2013 Arizona Grower's Cup & 420 Festival

I don't think the fight had anything to do with the cup, other than that the cup was in the downtown homeless' territory and they were feeling restless in the hot afternoon sun. From what I could see, the fighters were homeless gentlemen. A tall raggedy guy held his beer in one hand and did the drunken stiff-arm and retreat and tried not to fall, and the other short angry guy was in, ummm...I would call it a Scorpion stance with hands super high above his head, throwing bad, slow, chop-type punches at the much taller drunk guy. Punchy (lol Pulp Fiction) was faded on something, too, for sure. They bobbed and stumbled on the sidewalk, then to the corner of the event parking lot, then into the intersection in front of circle K. Then the light turned green everyone started honking and Punchy walked away, leaving drunk guy on the island in the middle of Camelback. Not sure after that, I drove off.

Anyway, I am glad the festival was an option, for sure, and grateful it was put on. Hopefully we can have many more events like it. It wasn't perfect, but it was still pretty awesome, now that I'm thinking about how far AZ has come! Fucking A!
The overall result are posted here https://www.facebook.com/Az420Festival

The winning results are interesting to say the least. "AZ Kush" was entered in the preliminary rounds as an Indica and then ended up winning 2nd place in the Hybrid category?

AZ Kush (entered as Indica) - https://www.facebook.com/ArizonaVaporLounge/posts/545796292107126
AZ Kush (won as Hybrid) - https://www.facebook.com/ArizonaVaporLounge/posts/358080354312801

I heard only 4 people entered flowers.
How did grower come up with the lineage for "az kush". I saw this questioned asked on FB. I never heard of that one. hehe
I thought you and irie were entering? maybe I'm wrong.
Irie and I are merely online buddies. We do not share anything more then a vision all of us growers share lol.

Like I said in another thread, my entries were held hostage by some of the gentlemen holding the event. :weed: I was just saying once there is a legitimate, well known event here my team and I will be there 100%.
Irie and I are merely online buddies. We do not share anything more then a vision all of us growers share lol.

Like I said in another thread, my entries were held hostage by some of the gentlemen holding the event. :weed: I was just saying once there is a legitimate, well known event here my team and I will be there 100%.

I think I came off wrong. I know you aren't a team I was just remember how much both of you were saying that you were going to enter and win. I wanted to see those results that's all.
glad I stayed away from this event , and smoked homegrown on 4/20....sounds like a waste of fucking time and money.I have been to farmers markets that sound more organized than this.
Well I might have gone if it wasn't so expensive. I guess I expected too much of it though, didn't have nearly enough wax in order to enter or hundreds of dollars for entree fee, sounds like the dispensaries there weren't the kind you'd want to talk to for a job. anyways if i woulda gone I'd have ended up doing the 3day thing only to be paranoid as fuck by all the police and it'd have been a waste of all that $. anyways i figure it will be quite a while before anything legit comes to AZ. and WTF cali grown bud was there that defeats the fucking purpose of an AZ cup doesn't it. How much you wanna bet AZ Kush was outta state.
Where to even start?

First I would like to say thanks to everyone that came out and to everyone that participated in the event, I had a pretty good time as did most everyone else.

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what did or did not happen at the AZ 420 Festival & 2013 Grower's Cup, so please allow me to enlighten those of you that have things a little twisted. Which is of course par with the course around here ;)

First, the "police" I saw people discussing on here. There was one police officer assigned to the event by the PHX PD. The rest of what people saw was in fact the security team that was hired for the event. High Stakes Security, good guys, look em' up if you ever need affordable quality security for an event.


As you can see, they were CLEARLY harassing and intimidating people as has been suggested. One person, who was pretty damn drunk, made an agressive move towards a female event staff worker and was removed from the event with prejudice, at my request. Yeah, I said it, I am responsible for that. In fact let's just address that really quick, my involvement in the event itself. I saw that mentioned in here as well. Feel free to call the City of Phoenix and ask who was responsible for the AZ 420 Festival? Call the Camelback Sahara Hotel and ask them who's name is on that contract?
here, let me help you ...


I was the sole responsible party for the entire event folks...


the City of PHX showed up at 830 the day of the event and shut it down. ask anyone that was there, anyone involved, I was the only person that didn't give up.

the investors were throwing in the towel, the lawyers were telling them to throw in the towel, the hotel was demanding a GIGANTIC cash bond to continue with the event, the City was requiring all kinds of permits that would simply NOT be possible to get because it was friday and we needed lots of permits. The group facilitating that end had dropped the ball and we ended up losing almost ALL of the outside entertainment and vendors, roughly 1/3 of the event, gone, total loss.

I refused to give up and with the help of one hell of a team, which included Virgel Fout and Tom Dean that believed in me I had one final sit down with the hotel GM, just the two of us. As you can see, the rest is now history. Not the history I had hoped for, not the history many had traveled for but none the less it happened.

551387_638188629529296_1982877045_n.jpg do you have any idea how hard it is to get a expedited permit from the fire marshal for a "trade show" on a saturday?!!!!

So, in short, everything I have read regarding the event from this thread so far is pretty much false with the exception of a few opinions and as I have already said above, shit didnt fuckin go exactly as planned kids but I made it happen. As promised, 3 days, non stop...all MJ friendly... an AZ first...

more pics to come, enjoy.
Hey bill I gave you three ounces and 195 $ to enter three strains. None of my strains were tested as previosly promised. The only way I know you even received my bud was the fact that one strain placed in the contest. How do I know that my flowers were judged at all? I realize there were challenges to the event I am just curious as to what happened to my bud? Btw thanks for organising this and pulli g it off. If half of these loser trolls did 1/3 what you do then the azmmj scene would be bigger and mlre successful.