2013 Bud Porno(Pics)Harvest


Well-Known Member
The first pic on the first page is perhaps what your looking for hope that helps other than that if your still not satisfied then it won't be my problem buddy bud bud I'm as happy as shit with my sticky fingers and beautifull purple buddah hoooooooahhhhh.
I'm not knocking the pics, it's just a tip. Between the flash and oversaturated color, it's easy to make the subject matter look like it's from a cartoon. If that's your goal then cheers. Your subject matter is good though, you don't need the exaggerated settings/PP adjustments to make it look 'better'.


Well-Known Member
I'm not knocking the pics, it's just a tip. Between the flash and oversaturated color, it's easy to make the subject matter look like it's from a cartoon. If that's your goal then cheers. Your subject matter is good though, you don't need the exaggerated settings/PP adjustments to make it look 'better'.
Hey bro who's exaggerating lol?My first pic is what it is purple as Hell and plain as a girl with no make up the other pics well thats how I wanted them for the peeps and they obviously like it.Its a camera phone not a fancy expensive cam I dig high times for the looks of the buds you going to go tell high times to stop editing there mags??Anyways I saw your Shit nice huge buds that urkles tasty.