2013 Crop in the ground


Well-Known Member
Three strains...Cenex, Purple Lighting and Blue Magoo. 6 in the ground and 3 in 100 gallon DYI Smart Pots.IMG_0031.jpgIMG_0032.jpgIMG_0033.jpgIMG_0038.jpgIMG_0034.jpgIMG_0035.jpgIMG_0036.jpgIMG_0039.jpg
Have some transplant shock going on in one of the Cenex..The Purple Lightning are the bushy ones and the Blue Magoo is the little lady.
was your plants vegging indoors? cause mines are the about the same size but i have them in 5gal bags. I'm currently making some outdoors space for the season and was wondering, if I had to bag the plants so that the plants are in some what of a green house, so the plants wont go into shock from the transplant.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they are clones that were started indoors. I did NOT transition them to outdoors and never have, the one Cenex is in shock because I was an idiot and didn't plant her deep enough and had to come back and replant her. I just cut back on the amount of light they get indoors the week before planting, so that I'm within and hour of what the sun will provide and they always seem to do just fine.

I'm using mostly EB Stone organic brands for my soil mix. They sell a product similar to Pro-Mix and I amended that with Edna's choice, Bat Guano, worm castings, some lime and of course mixed with my native soil.



Well-Known Member
Any danger of frost still?

No, not really. I'm on the dry side of the state but we are still influenced by the moderate temps from the Pacific Ocean, the toughest thing I deal with is wind shortly after planting, which is why I staked some of them. 50% chance of frost April 20th and it decreases from there and 50% September 20th and it increases from there.

It's pretty amazing, they've been in the ground 4 days and I see lots of growth in all of them but one. Growing like a weed! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Here in Maine we have chance of frost till end of May, and about mid/ end of September depending on what part of the state. I usually try to be planted by last week in May, and like to pick by beginning of October.


Well-Known Member
That's about my schedule as well. Our frost dates are dictated by elevation and how far east you are from the coast. The county I live in has elevations that vary from 300 feet to over 11,000. This is my first year planting in mid-May, we've had a really warm spell, so I felt it was safe to put them out.

I'm going to take weekly pics and keep this thread going till harvest. I've got a Purple Lightning in the ground and one in a 100 gallon pot and I want to see which grows better.


Well-Known Member
One week in...The plants in the DYI Smart Parts are pretty obviously more happy than the plants in the ground at this point..I'm going to chalk this up to warmer soil temps and better wind protection. My swamp grow in the DYI pots are more protected from the wind and my area gets hellatious winds.It's also cooled off quite a bit..temps are low to mid 60's in the day, upper 40's low 50's nights. The Cenex that was transplat shocked because I had to replant her has fully recovered.
The pics below show the Purple lightning in ground and in DYI..Hard to see the difference, but both have obvious signs of growth...Just more on the DYI plant.


First pic is P.L. in ground one week in...second is P.L. in DYI Pot one week in. Third is recovered cenex after she was in shock and fourth is P.L. DYI Pot last day after planting.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much had a week of rain and cool (upper 40's to low 50's) temps. I haven't seen the plants since Sunday.. Update pics this Saturday.
Im dealing with some high winds at my spots too, high elevation mountain tops. Might need to stake some ladies down.
looking good gunna have some nice bushes!


Well-Known Member
Yes, they are clones that were started indoors. I did NOT transition them to outdoors and never have, the one Cenex is in shock because I was an idiot and didn't plant her deep enough and had to come back and replant her. I just cut back on the amount of light they get indoors the week before planting, so that I'm within and hour of what the sun will provide and they always seem to do just fine. I'm using mostly EB Stone organic brands for my soil mix. They sell a product similar to Pro-Mix and I amended that with Edna's choice, Bat Guano, worm castings, some lime and of course mixed with my native soil. http://www.ebstone.org/13_ednas.php http://www.ebstone.org/13_planting_bale.php
Looking good there . How do I go about changing my light cycle,I have the plants indoors under a 250w mh with lights on at 6pm for 18hrs and want to put them outside now in grow bags.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure what my friend did was have these clones in with his indoor vegging plants that were at 18+ hours and just pulled my plants out from the lamps a little earlier each day until he gave them to my at 16 hours. I can ask and verify that.


Well-Known Member
Shit....I was out there is AM and forgot to snap pics.. Wednesday and Thursday,we had a little over an inch of rain and low temps in the upper 30's highs in the low 50's..Cold here for late May. It didn't seem to phase my Purple Lightning at all, they still look like they are growing vigorously(both in ground and in the pots) The Cenex you can see the new shoots didn't like the cold. Will be heading out agian on Monday and will update with pics then.


Well-Known Member
IMG_0061.jpgIMG_0060.jpgIMG_0058.jpgIMG_0059.jpgIMG_0057.jpgIMG_0056.jpgIMG_0055.jpgWell, a week of cool temps and rain didn't seem to phase the girls...All but two plants experienced about 3 inches of growth since the last pics were taken last weekend. One of the Cenex and the small Blue Magoo are chugging along now, but not as fast as the others. The Cenex I planted and had to replant while it was in shock...so it's recovering

smokin away

Well-Known Member
I was surfin this site that sells seeds that grow very fast. They are from Canada so I guess they would know about the growing season. I was considering trying them out for a later in year plant. I'm south so our season runs into November and sometimes beyond.