2013 guerilla grow gravity irrigated crop


Active Member
Hey guys trying to do a guerilla grow for the first time this season. I have a location 45 mins away from my house so it's a bit of a drive but when it's 115 where I'm at my plants should stay in the 80s
Being that it is so far away I am contemplating a few reservoir type watering systems.
1st- after typing a 3 paragraph explication on how I might get it to work I have decided that gravity fed is too much work for the uncertainty of my plants health

2nd I was thinking about taking all the guesswork out of it and getting a rain barrel solar pump which has a psi rating of 13 which is enough to run a dripper at its lowest setting.

What I need help on determining is how many WORKING drippers can I get per line any how often should I visit my Reservoir to fill it up.
Pictures will follow once all set up


Active Member
I guess I didn't elaborate too well on how many plants and how many lines. I was going to split one pump into 4 lines and use a hose timer to activate watering. I want to use drippers with 1/2 gph output and I want to water every other day roughly 1 hour