2013 Outdoor BC Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice. I am in BC n this is my second grow n have had no issues till it got cooler out. Now I am just hoping for a bit to work out for me.
If you are having mould issues H202 spray it on your plants. Use the food grade stuff not the 3% Its not bad for your plants and wont hurt anything but mould.


Well-Known Member
All they have been fed was 20-20-20 during veg (a lot I might add) 15-30-15 (only because thats all they had this year) last year I used lower N higher P Higher K
I never adjusted PH never even had to add garden lime to soil, but if I was going to do it there next year I would. I live in canada and old timers have never seen plants this big in my region. Just too bad there is no more outdoor medical licenses next year:( Oh well its always good to look back and say I did it big once.

curious how you came to this conclusion...;))


Well-Known Member
Well its what health canada wanted and for the most of the nation there wont be any. If you lucky enough to have one the my hats off to you. If you live in the US then once again my hats off to you. But as for me no more license. I can still grow in the woods but you cannot grow plants like this without the whirly bird seeing them.


Well-Known Member
Well its what health canada wanted and for the most of the nation there wont be any. If you lucky enough to have one the my hats off to you. If you live in the US then once again my hats off to you. But as for me no more license. I can still grow in the woods but you cannot grow plants like this without the whirly bird seeing them.

my ticket allows outdoors and indoors...I'm 3 under my outdoor limit...will never have room for my indoor crop...I'll manage tho..;))


Well-Known Member
You can thank Stephen Harper for the changes to the pot licences. All of the other political parties suppport decriminalization at the very least and some want to legalize it.

Your plants look great, did you top or train them or just let them grow?


Well-Known Member
You can thank Stephen Harper for the changes to the pot licences. All of the other political parties suppport decriminalization at the very least and some want to legalize it.

Your plants look great, did you top or train them or just let them grow?
Its ok that the program is changing because the stuff is worthless these days. I topped them and pruned them a lot. I also have a some trelis netting up that they grew threw so they would have support.


Well-Known Member
here is some updated pics. I will be chopping one of these girls down today but the rest look like they need a week. The one that is getting chopped was in a 20 gallon smart pot and that seems to make them finish faster then in the ground. Only by a few days or so. I will show you pics of the finished trimmed product tomorrow. My gf is on the way to buy the Twister 2. So I will also do a review on that as well.


Lookin fantastic!!
Way to go.

We are stepping backwards a bit with these changes to the regs. I still have faith that it won't last. Decriminalization will happen if not legalization. Until then we just continue to be careful and support each other as much as possible.

I grew up with MJ around all the time. It was rarely the cause of any of the shit that happened to people. Most of the time it was other stuff like alcohol. Time will prove us right.

Nice growing!!


Well-Known Member
Hey John I dont mind the changes the old supply and demand thing has really taken a hit. So Im fine having to do if things have to change. Just sucks not being able to grow these monster plants until its legal and worthless at that point.


I totally agree with you on the big beauties. A shame to not grow them. I have fond memories of hiking in the mountains as a kid and coming out of the trees into a clearing only to find myself standing under a single plant that was twice my height. At that time it would have been around a ten foot tall beauty.

A true shame.


Well-Known Member
So I have started using the TWISTER 2 trimming machine, OMG its amazing! If you think you may need it then spend every nickle you have and do it. The cut is so good and the time it saves is insane. If you complain about the price then you dont need it. I would pay double the asking price for this machine if I had too now that I have seen it in action. Only down side is that its so loud.


Well-Known Member
You are right you cannot explain in words the smell of the Nuken the best smell I have ever came across. I wish I had a car freshener like that. Every morning I squeeze the top bud of the same plant and always get resin and that smell stuck on my nose lol. I smell this plant and want to eat it. Your plant will get big as long as it has a large pot to grow in. This strain grows until the last possible day then buds and fishes around oct 7 if in a pot and about 10 days later if grown in the ground. It loves the nutes but you will need lots of support for the branches. If you only have a few plants I suggest bending it over so it grows on its side. You will be left with lots of tops buds. Don't chop down early it can handle the cold. Very vigorous tough plant


Well-Known Member
I am doing the same amount of plants as last season so YES. Tweaked a few things and expect better results then last year. Every year has been better then the last. So fingers crossed

tiger mt.

Well-Known Member
Here are some pictures of this years grow. If you have any questions ask away
Flawlesscrew, so very nice! What about the northern latitude in BC? Here in WA it is difficult for most strains to finish, are the strains you put out breed to work with the long daylight hours?


Well-Known Member
Nice looking buds triched up leaves are fading nicely ,your going to save alot of time with that twister wish i had one