2013 outdoor medical 200 gal geo and smart pots grow

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Looking awesome homie!!! looks like some sticky dank bushes.... Don't slack until you get them stacked :) (not that you would lol)


Well-Known Member
gb thanks and no slackin lol ,double jj thankyou the racks work well i put a ring in a ring in a ring with a 1 foot air gap between each,but have already come up with somthing better that i will try to take some pictures of later


Well-Known Member
That is a nice Fing grow Bro ! right up there in the Top three of RIU this year. Happy harvest.


Well-Known Member
Hey tok whats up the trailer works good i have a generater that was running 24 hours a day for 10 days to run fans and a heater and it worked well just not even close to enough room lol.Things are drying elsewhere now and it is working out great still have a ways to go .


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up hope everyone is doing well thought i would drop in have not been on in some time.I just got my test results sent to me and i am pleased so far my space queen came in at 20% the kosher pheno 1 came in at 23% thc the kosher 4 at 20% and the tahoe og dom came in at 26% thc and it is fire .i still have a few to be tested and will post pics of full results asap but not to bad so far and anyone who says outdoor is not as good as indoor mmmmm ha ha.I still do not have have my weights yet but they are looking good as well just dont have any final numbers still trimming and trimming and trimming.Will post pics of results and how much i got soon. peace


Well-Known Member
Hey gb how are you,things are good here the final count was ok between 40 to 45 pounds lost some to mold and a little to pm plus we had so much botom larf that we just didnt want to deal with so i gave away 3 garbage bags full of larf .The people i gave it to were going to make hash but have not heard from them,no big deal i have plenty so much so we put a shit ton in my copost i know it is waste full but you know how it is not enough time to wory about that crap.I have a small indoor going now and should be done begining of march.Gb are you still triming did you get some help?

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
There he is, Im still trimming lol Two more totes left to go 5-10lbs or so (popcorn bud). My compost pile also has more thrichs than all my indoor harvest combined hahaha. I look forward to following the progress next season.


Well-Known Member
GB we are still trimming as well took alittle break but are back at it it seems to never end terrible problem.Here are a couple of pics from december out at the farm and i will be following your next grow as well,had fun last year made some mistakes , had bad weather but i love it and there are alot of happy ommp patients from that grow.044.jpg044.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats up I have next to nothing going on,mice or rats girdled all of my plants they were in the garage in a tent under lights and everyone of them was eaten just around the stalks they slowly died.They were clones from indoor chem,gdp, star,and kk.This was over a month ago ordered new seeds and they have gotten snagged twice by customs.I have some alpha dawg and some royal k going inside and would have used them but they are on a night cycle so no go.I started some kk and some chem seeds that I made but they are only just now comeing up so I am behind.I am not going to be growing at my property not worth it at this point so backyard grow for me besides my business keeps me vary busy and running back and forth last year plus work and wife and kids was to much.I will post pics in the outdoor thread when there is something to look at.
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Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats up I have next to nothing going on,mice or rats girdled all of my plants they were in the garage in a tent under lights and everyone of them was eaten just around the stalks they slowly died.They were clones from indoor chem,gdp, star,and kk.This was over a month ago ordered new seeds and they have gotten snagged twice by customs.I have some alpha dawg and some royal k going inside and would have used them but they are on a night cycle so no go.I started some kk and some chem seeds that I made but they are only just now comeing up so I am behind.I am not going to be growing at my property not worth it at this point so backyard grow for me besides my business keeps me vary busy and running back and forth last year plus work and wife and kids was to much.I will post pics in the outdoor thread when there is something to look at.
Sad to hear, Damn Rats! Last year was an awesome grow to watch. However, I know all about spreading yourself to thin. Have a good season buddy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man that sucks fucking customs

I know at herbies you can insure the seeds for like 10 bucks I think And iv never had a problem getting seeds from them.

Well good luck with the back yard grow and it might be even a little more fun just having to focus on a couple smaller plants.
Not as much stress.