2013 outdoor medical 200 gal geo and smart pots grow


Well-Known Member
This is exactly where i want to be! Very jealous of you, what an excellent and beautiful grow. I can only hope some day soon im able to get to that level. Nice work indeed!


Well-Known Member
HankDank thankyou i really appreciate that ,i have been working my ass off for years so i could get myself in this position and it feel s good ,thanks again.


Well-Known Member
kick ass dude! hat tip to ya for chosing quality over quantity although I'm sure yer yield will be just fine.


Well-Known Member
HankDank thankyou i really appreciate that ,i have been working my ass off for years so i could get myself in this position and it feel s good ,thanks again.
New growers always think its easy to just grow fields and many realize years later it takes hard work, money and dedication to keep a good outdoor going...Nice Grow Man!!! Keep it green! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I noticed your screen is the small 2x4, if you want to make it easier to access the plants use the 4x4 that you find in the concrete section of home depot. I found it much easier to do trimming . Looks awesome though. I wish I had that much room to grow instead of my small backyard.


Well-Known Member
HELLO been a little while ,things are ok here two weeks in thick smoke,and more predicted for next week lighting strikes caused lots of fires in the deep forrest and we are eating smoke big time ,have not seen the sun much to smokey and it has slowed the growth for sure but they still look good and are flowering ,here are some pics014.jpg021.jpg024.jpg026.jpg028.jpg


Well-Known Member
Man sry to hear about the smoke and the fire..

The plants look great there huge gonna have a hell of a yield!!

How much are you watering per plant on average and how often?


Well-Known Member
Tokealot whats up bro i water every three days and they get about 21 gallons per plant i have the 200s and i have three 65s and so far the 65s are doing well did them last year and they were good but i dont see them yeilding what the 200s will,little experiment.Gardenboss thankyou i appricate it , and tws thamks man and i see you are dealing with some fires to everything alright i hope.


Well-Known Member
Nice garden bro! I have 7 acres up in Oregon that I've been dying to clear and grow on, I just need me a big ol' trailer live in for a few months, lol.


Well-Known Member
gorgeous! having space is a blessing. being able to walk all the way around the plant makes life easier for sure.


Well-Known Member
hoonry thankyou and yes it has been nice to have all this room it is a first for me ,i have always had to grow in tight spots and being able to walk all the way around has been cool.The plants are so bushy because they have all been pinched atleast once and the super round ones have been pinched topped whatever you want to call several times on every branch.I do not normaly do that as i like big huge trees but it took the state of Or,two and a half months to do my growsite address change from my home to my property so they were on my pool deck for way to long and were getting to big for my backyard and to transport so i started topping and this is the result hedges insted of trees ,still pretty cool though.


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of the scarecrow security system lol,he looks real at dusk has startled me twice while i am out there i forget hes there and start working get all into and see him out of the corner my eye and makes me jump lol.Iam trying everything to detour rippers.026.jpg027.jpg