2013 UK Outdoor Grow

Hey all,
I am living in the south east of England and I am planning my first ever outdoor grow this year.
I have minor growing experience so I have gone for Sensi Seed banks - Early skunk strain which I plan to plant indoors on my window seal and transfer outdoors a couple days after last years last day of frost and there is a few things I would like to know.

Which soil is best suited for outdoor cannabis growing?
How to transfer my plants from indoors to outdoors without stressing the plant?
Is there any reliable guides/plans to follow when growing my plants?
What Nutrients to use and which Pest killers/defences to keep my plant healthy and strong?
Any other tips on how I can get the best yield and best quality bud would be much appreciated.
This is my first grow so I will be here a lot throughout the life of my plants checking up on everything assuring all is going well posting pictures of my plants asking questions.



Well-Known Member
Local soil works good. Make sure its 6.5 PH.
Starting on a window sill is OK! But no more than 3 weeks. If you transfer from lamps to outdoors then you need to put the plant in a shady place for some time, but if it's gettind direct sunlight on the window sill, then you can just throw it in ground and it'll be happy as a cat.
Check the stickies on this forum for some guides, the same for nutes and pest killers (you could not need any pesticides, it depends on where you live)
The key to best yield is sunlight all day, good soil, nutes and most importantly, good ol love! Have fun, it's gonna be a long ride! :)
right i am a total newby to all of this bussinessi dont even know how to post my own thread lmao :L ,
and im also a total newb to growing aswell i have just set up a 250w dual spectrum cfl autoflower cuboard they are due to be harvested on the 23rd of april. i have been planning to get some feminised purple power seeds and jerm and veg them in the wardrobe for 6 weeks then try putting them outside will it be to late to start that on the 23rd of april or is there any faults you may see ? this is a list of things i will be using :-
party cups (to start germing them in)
small pots around 5L (for the final stages inside the wardrobe)
biobizz all mix soil (20L per plant when transplanted outside)
biobizz root juice
biobizz bio grow
biobizz bio bloom
biobizz topmax
please comment back with any imormation that i may need or anything i can change to make it work alot better thank you for reading :)