2015 Denver Cup

710 baby that's where I'm going I mean come on the past couple years they were charging for dabs fuck that

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Goodmeds is medical only I been there and that power plant is fire you should check em out if you get a chance, they even do giveaways on their instagram (I won an eighth yay!).

I will def try them(and 14er) next chance I get.... Although I am about to completely eliminate my dispensary budget. I just found out I owe the IRS way more than I thought I did, like way more, lol.
710 baby that's where I'm going I mean come on the past couple years they were charging for dabs fuck that

Sent from my D6616 using Rollitup mobile app

Charging for dabs where? At the cannabis cup? Not that I noticed last year, I only did like 3 tho, not into waiting in line to hit the same rig 1000 other ppl just hit.
I didn't mean to trash ppl from the east or say all weed there is garbage, or that your weed is garbage. I just lived there for many years and know how it is, moving here changed my life, literally. I have friends from the north east that come visit and are just in awe when I show them what it's like here.

The Clinic comes to mind as a rec shop that has a lot of those strains and others I'm sure you've seen. I consider them better than say Pink House but still not great, epically for the prices there. Which leads me to my main gripe. Most of the bud you will find, is mass grown and all treated the same pretty much, and a lot of places don't even cure, let alone cure properly. I think that results a lot of the time in bud that simply does not have the smell and flavor it should. The Clinic for example has really good looking buds but the smell/flavor is not on that level.
As far as clones, half the time I doubt the actual genetics, especially on elite clones, generally speaking you have to be lucky at even the legit med shops to find a good elite clone only on sale. That's not to say you can't find perfectly good genetics from a dispensary, it's just not likely to be the uber hype strains.

Overall, your best bet is to try to find someone respected online that lives here and get cuts from them. .
I didnt take any offense bro, I appreciate the conversation.

Yeah I would trust the legitimacy of a cut from a member more than some random dispensary. Unless I get the go ahead from someone that can confirm a clubs' cut, I will be hoping that someone can understand my position and respects my abilities and or efforts.

I totally understand what the time and materials spent on raising a seedling is worth, especially with plant counts. I really do hope I get to sesh with a few Co'ians from riu. I may just move out there if the feeling is right. I am beyond tired of hiding my passion and want to be able to sit down and talk with others "in the know".

Whats the deal with med vs rec anyways?
Are they different plant counts or something?
I didnt take any offense bro, I appreciate the conversation.

Yeah I would trust the legitimacy of a cut from a member more than some random dispensary. Unless I get the go ahead from someone that can confirm a clubs' cut, I will be hoping that someone can understand my position and respects my abilities and or efforts.

I totally understand what the time and materials spent on raising a seedling is worth, especially with plant counts. I really do hope I get to sesh with a few Co'ians from riu. I may just move out there if the feeling is right. I am beyond tired of hiding my passion and want to be able to sit down and talk with others "in the know".

Whats the deal with med vs rec anyways?
Are they different plant counts or something?

For personal growing. Anyone over 21 can grow up to 6 plants. Medical is a lil different but basically the same, 6 plants as far as the state law is concerned.

As for buying stuff from dispensaries. Basically med and rec is separate, they have separate "sides" of the shop and grow separate crops for each(and have different licenses for each). Rec is more expensive(mostly bc of tax), and some shops don't rec at all(so you have to be a med patient to buy stuff from them)
I lived in Europe for many years and visited Amsterdam numerous times. The excitement and uniqueness of walking into a store and buying cannabis was awesome. I guess it is the same for someone from BFE, U.S. when thinking about or dreaming about visiting Colorado or California or Oregon or Alaska...awesome shit to think about walking into a store and buying some weed legally. When you visit Colorado you should visit as many shops as possible. What I like is different than what Al Gore likes which is different than what you will like. Try as many as possible and have fun. Spend your money here, please...anywhere and everywhere.
I couldn't agree more. When we first moved here it was amazing, got my card and went to the only 3 shops near my house and got all sorts of shit, it was an amazing experience for a hardcore pothead that grew up in Florida. Back home you got 2 oz for $600 and if you were lucky got to choose species dominance. It wasn't long before you figured out that the $500 a QP in Co is the same quality, and if you believe my old hookups likely the same bud, as you get in Orlando for double the price.

After that I took a sort of weird journey in, "catching up" I guess you would say. I visited many, many Denver shops and a handful in boulder, including some of the best around. But at the time the quality I was getting from TGS for the price seemed the best overall , and it was closer, etc.

For a short time after that I got sucked into RR bc of their Rockbudder and IWE and became a member there until I figured out it was overall pretty garbage. It wasn't until I wanted better extracts that I started going to the better shops more regularly. I actually was a huge fan of the The Clinic over KL for a long time, their bho seemed better and the bud looked much better.

It was only in the last year or so that I realized the true importance of the various flavors in my smoke. I mean, I was aware of terpines, flavioinds, terpinoids, whatever and the different effects but I think maybe my tolerance shot up or I just started going to CAM, KL, and DR more because of the strains or because of Greendot or whathaveyou. I guess it's just sort of an evolution, but these days I can tell just by sniffing the jar(flower or extract) how medicated and what effects I'm going to get from it. And most stuff checkout, simply doesn't measure up.

PS> I'm actually workin on saving money atm but I'll have some fire buds and extracts from KL probably. Only gonna be there on Saturday btw, gonna try to get inline around 8 at the latest but to whoever is gonna be there hit me up in pm and we can connect at the cup!

PPS> Man I'm really high right now, sorry for the ramble. lol
My tickets say it opens at 12:00 all 3 days guys and gals, just don't want anyone having to stand out 2 hours more than they have to. I am showing up around 1 lol beat the crowds. Time is flying since April hit. Have a good one.

Peace - Be Safe MD
My tickets say it opens at 12:00 all 3 days guys and gals, just don't want anyone having to stand out 2 hours more than they have to. I am showing up around 1 lol beat the crowds. Time is flying since April hit. Have a good one.

Peace - Be Safe MD

Last year we got there a few hours before the doors opened and like 20k ppl where in line already, lol. The line moved pretty quick once they doors were open but the outdoor area was packed by the time we got out there. It did die down later in the day but I think that was bc of the rain. I'm planning on getting there early the first day and wait in line all morning in the hopes of beating some of the crowd to some of the booths that I wanna buy stuff from.

I have thought maybe we should just go after the line to get in is gone but I wanna look for some glass and seeds and shit and want first pickings.
Last year we got there a few hours before the doors opened and like 20k ppl where in line already, lol. The line moved pretty quick once they doors were open but the outdoor area was packed by the time we got out there. It did die down later in the day but I think that was bc of the rain. I'm planning on getting there early the first day and wait in line all morning in the hopes of beating some of the crowd to some of the booths that I wanna buy stuff from.

I have thought maybe we should just go after the line to get in is gone but I wanna look for some glass and seeds and shit and want first pickings.
I think we just cant really avoid the lines.
Yea, we should coordinate a meet up but I'm gonna get there early as hell tho so I dunno if you guys are gonna be down to get there at that time....

Last year we thought we were getting there early and the line was long as fuck. So I'm shooting for arriving around 6 am and just camp and blaze and dab till the doors open at 12. I'll have a bunch of bud and concentrates and some rigs and shit. Might actually be trying to tell some stuff, lol.
Going dumb early too pm me
Anyone else gonna get there early? Thinking about 8am. (GF was opposed to the 6am idea, lol)

Someone either start a meet up thread or PM everyone and organize this shit. I'm gonna be there Saturday only btw.

Also, any word on anything going of for Sunday or Monday? Was planning on a private 4/20 at home but am down for a small gathering.
Anyone else gonna get there early? Thinking about 8am. (GF was opposed to the 6am idea, lol)

Someone either start a meet up thread or PM everyone and organize this shit. I'm gonna be there Saturday only btw.

Also, any word on anything going of for Sunday or Monday? Was planning on a private 4/20 at home but am down for a small gathering.
Sunday and Monday I am down for whatever. Hell, if I were invited to a smaller gathering, I would prolly sacrifice my 4/20 cup admission.
I was told there would be a big festival downtown this year on 4/20 but I found this awesome website called google and it told me that there will be people downtown but no official festival with bands and what not...sucks. Apparently the government is not interested in our basic rights after we live our lives paying for a city to be built and maintained so we can gather and have fun with live music and free people dancing and smoking a flower. Man, I bet a government that represents its people would be all like "Hell yeah, let's have fun!"