2016 Predictions


Well-Known Member

Have you watched Mr & Mrs Smith , when Brad is interrogating that dude towards the end ... dudes wearing a fight club shirt ... i just noticed that after watching that movie about a dozen times

jus sayin
I've seen it, but I didn't catch that. Good eye. I just watched Kalifornia again, he's SO great in that one...


Well-Known Member
He was very good in kalifornia, snatch too. Showed some acting skills.

Revenant looks great, big tom hardy fan here. I hear Bronson is his best work..I've not seen.

Marijuana Mercenary

Well-Known Member
Arizona Cardinals win the Super Bowl

Bill Cosby goes to prison
First manned mission to mars

Chicago Cubs win the World Series

Bernie Sanders in the White House
Hottest year on record

New Orleans demolished by another hurricane.

My biggest outdoor harvest to date

Crude Oil Prices continue to plunge

Affluenza Teen (Ethan Couch) dies from stabbing in Mexican Prison

I visit Cuba

Police Nationwide continue to murder unarmed citizens

Driverless cars are sold in dealerships

George Zimmerman is shot in the head and dies

Tim tebow comes out of the closet

200 die in bomb blast in london

Malaysian Airliner crashes
All this, along with America's economic colapse sounds about right. Our hookers will work for 2$ sammiches like Greece.


Well-Known Member
I got one, people that make child molestation jokes get beat to a bloody pulp. Oh and strangled and revived a couple times..


Well-Known Member
never did see the entertainment value.

i predict that i wont watch a single anything in any sport. unless i get forced to watch the super bowl, but i managed to avoid in 2015 so theres hope
i also predict i wont know anything of politics unless and until its posted on riu. ahhh so peaceful when you dont watch news or tv
Could not agree more I don't watch news at all and only.politics in watch is on riu. I did watch my 1st gop repute debate a few weeks ago. It was pretty gay. How do people watch that shit? Anyways I agree 150%


Well-Known Member
Never should have sided with gm over harbaugh, real dumb.. G.m.'s are a dime a dozen..great coaches are rare.. Fangio would have been a better option than tomasula.