2016 Woot farms.

Very impressive garden all the way around: from the gourds to the girls! Do you feel your garlic is early this year? I just noticed scapes on one of my varieties; for my feeble memory that seems to or three weeks early. I usually harvest mid-June on.
Very impressive garden all the way around: from the gourds to the girls! Do you feel your garlic is early this year? I just noticed scapes on one of my varieties; for my feeble memory that seems to or three weeks early. I usually harvest mid-June on.
I do think it's early. I pulled a few the day after I took those pictures. I'll post a picture.

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I pull after I see at least 2-3 leaves die and they start to fall over. I chose to pull them now because I don't want them to over ripen and start separation between the cloves. If you let too many leaves for you won't have anything to protect your garlic.

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"Martins make their nests in cavities, either natural or artificial. In many places, humans put up real or artificial hollow gourds,"