2018 Abrogate Michigan Language Draft

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I have to clean up the last line on this jpg. Its got the studders. lol

The Petition is good I just messed up on the Not be NOt Be Not Be Affected. heh.
Appreciate your sharing theMan!

I need all the Interwebs helps I can get!
If I am correct Abrogate Michigan 2018 and the NORML/lobbyists Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol are not actually competing ballot initiatives and both could become law if passed?
They said that last year. WE are a grass roots effort, dont need much to put ink on paper.

if we have 500 hardcore volunteers that can dedicate 190 days. That is 1000 sigs each with in the 180 day window, or 5.5 per day.

If we find 1000 dedicated petitioners, we only need 50 sigs each in the 180 days.

There has to be 1000 people that will dedicate 6 to 8 months to actually END Prohibiiton.

WE put it on the ballot, it will pass.
But we will have to surmount any potential Legal Challenges that come.
We need everyone that wants to actually end Cannabis Prohibition to set up and help out getting GOOD Valid Registered Voters signatures.

For those of you that are going to say " THEY WONT ALLOW THAT",
Listen Up and Hear Me Well.
We Do Not Need To CARE what LANSING D.C. Wants.

That is exactly why We the People have the Right and Constitutional Authority to redress our Government and in Michigan a Petition to Amend the Constitution is something ONLY we the people can do, regardless of who wrote the Proposed Law, We the People, or the BAR Card Holding Attorneys for the STATE and their Lansing D.C. Buddies.

Now who wants to Regulate Pot Like Booze?
Last I recall, Booze is LEGAL right up until you are under arrest at a current rate of 500% more than Pot Arrests.
Both the Cultivators Cup and the Genesee County Fair are going down in Clio next week. Should be able to score quite a few signatures there.
If I am correct Abrogate Michigan 2018 and the NORML/lobbyists Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol are not actually competing ballot initiatives and both could become law if passed?

Correct. Abrogate is a Constitutional Amendment. CRMLA is a Statutory Initiative like the MMM Act was, which means Lansing D.C. can open it up and change it, or Attorn (defined as to TWIST) definitions in Courts to make it Read other than "Intended".

That is not possible with a Constitutional Amendment. Only We the People can change the Constitution via a vote at the ballot barring a couple very unique issues.

1. Complete Societal breakdown and complete collapse of the state.
2. Constitutional Convention.
3. Court Case ruling something unconstitutional.
4. Constitutional Crisis.

#4 can occur when 2 Statutory Laws are in conflict with each other or are otherwise causing a very serious outcry from the public.
Say when here are 2 Pot Statutes, 1 for Medical Pot & 1 for Recreational Pot and Law Enforcement and Courts and Defense Attornies, and Prosecuting Attorneys are confused because they don't read the Miriam Webster Dictionary or the Websters Simplified Dictionary, but they instead use the Black "LAW" Dictionary with its "Attorned" definitions for the Legalese Language they speak.

Abrogate would TRUMP the RMLA and remove all of its penalties, limitations, fines, jail time, Kidnapping of children, etc, etc, etc, etc. It would kill seed to jail as a Regulation to Dimish use,
The 2nd Amendment of Cannabis Law.
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A bunch of Vets will be walking down to Lansing following the Labor Day Mackinac Bridge walk. Might be nice to get some petitions in their hands.
Any help you can offer in setting up go betweens would be good.

We can use everyone stepping up to get this done.

Together we cannabis End Prohibition.

Otherwise, we suffer under the sell out.
That really is defined on when you turn the signatures in to the state to be counted.

What ever day you turn them in for Validation is the 180th day. Count back 179 days from that day i show it is determined.

So if you turn in on July 5th, January 6th or 7th would be teh first day.

We are going to start Collecting on September 1st, 2017.
8 days. PDFS are available for down load while we get the rest of the money for printing costs for 50,000 petitions to distribute around the state.

If we start on 9/1, the 180th day would be Feb 27th, 2018.

If we had 1000 people pushing it by 10!, each petioner would only need 500 signature each giving us 1/2 a million signatures to turn in. Roughly 48,500 a month needed.
That really is defined on when you turn the signatures in to the state to be counted.

What ever day you turn them in for Validation is the 180th day. Count back 179 days from that day i show it is determined.

So if you turn in on July 5th, January 6th or 7th would be teh first day.

We are going to start Collecting on September 1st, 2017.
8 days. PDFS are available for down load while we get the rest of the money for printing costs for 50,000 petitions to distribute around the state.

If we start on 9/1, the 180th day would be Feb 27th, 2018.

If we had 1000 people pushing it by 10!, each petioner would only need 500 signature each giving us 1/2 a million signatures to turn in. Roughly 48,500 a month needed.

I think the idea is great, and certainly better than the other initiative, however, I see a lot of problems here. I'm seeing a lot of talk of "if we had this many people" and the like, but my question is, do you actually have that many? You say you are starting in eight days - do you already have 250, 500 or even the 1000 you speak of to start collecting on September 1st? If not, the odds start increasingly going against you, and it is going to become exponentially harder to collect these signatures for every day you go lacking the people to collect. On top of this, you are planning to start in the fall and run through the winter, which seems like certain death to me. It is going to be very difficult to collect signatures when it's cold and everyone is inside. You need summer festivals and active downtown areas, college campuses etc to collect that many signatures.

MILegalize/CRMLA has a lot of donors, a lot of paid signature collectors, previous experience to learn from, and a lot of time to plan this out, including many meetings that were held before they started collecting. They will require far less signatures than your initiative, and despite this, they are still only slightly ahead of schedule collecting. How do you propose to collect more signatures with less money, people and public support?

By no means am I trying to knock your initiative, and I admire what you are trying to do, but this just seems like a lost cause if you are going to be starting so soon given the lack of planning, funding and people to use as resources. That said, my ears are open to hear how you plan to remedy or work around any of these issues.
We are not talking about Legalizing Prohibition and creating more criminals like the other group is.

Abrogate is actually working to END Prohibition.

If you let someone else get that for you, they got it and you're just S.O.L.

Get yours.
"The initiative appears to lack enough financial or organizational backing to make the ballot".

They said that last year.

they were right about abrogate lacking enough financial or organizational backing to make the ballot in 2016.

they are right again this year.

the worst thing about petitioning? everyone under 40 thinks its already on the ballot. because they dont understand the process at all and dont really half-listen to the news.

signature gathering is incredibly tough. even fully-funded and paid petitions fail to get the proper amount of signatures.

its possible abrogate will win if its on the ballot. i have doubts anything will make it in an off-election year 2018 if they even make the ballot.

to get the signatures you need a ton of volunteers and businesses to help. you need networks and advertising and social media.

what we really need is an online petition process. people hate signing things in person.