Well-Known Member
I can GUARANTEE it AINT what he is looking for
and the fact that LPs were not Around 20 yeatrs ago should friggin tell him and YOU Something
don't try and pull the wool over peoples eyes with BS excuses buying poison LP shwag..
its fuckin hilarious dude.
quit before it getsout of hand
actually please keep going so I can show ya just how fucking stiupid you are for posting this Bullshit shwag clone shit in a MMJ forum that fought to rid LP shwag take yer poison lp wanna be BS and stuff it
PS they look like shit. probaby is shock bud mode lol and most likely will die and cost ?? how much ..lollmaorotf 50 bucks each I bet eh
fools fall for BS LP poison SHIT advertising LIES
So I totally see where you are coming from however I personally believe the only way to flush the LP starting materials is by using their laws against them
Think, if we were all to band together and get our hands on cuts of each of the strains all the LP's are selling and then make a bunch of femme seeds of them for the purpose of an open source style seed bank where the seeds are free for everyone
Get this going across Canada in various cities (clone swaps have started already in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver)
Honestly, a boycott wont work as most people don't know any better. So the best option would be to put them out of business by providing starting materials to medical patients for free
If you give away something for free that another is trying to sell to people then the person selling the thing won't have anyone to sell it to since people can get it for free