2018 Grow your own thread

I can GUARANTEE it AINT what he is looking for
and the fact that LPs were not Around 20 yeatrs ago should friggin tell him and YOU Something
don't try and pull the wool over peoples eyes with BS excuses buying poison LP shwag..
its fuckin hilarious dude.
quit before it getsout of hand
actually please keep going so I can show ya just how fucking stiupid you are for posting this Bullshit shwag clone shit in a MMJ forum that fought to rid LP shwag poison..so take yer poison lp wanna be BS and stuff it

PS they look like shit. probaby is shock bud mode lol and most likely will die and cost ?? how much ..lollmaorotf 50 bucks each I bet eh
fools fall for BS LP poison SHIT advertising LIES

So I totally see where you are coming from however I personally believe the only way to flush the LP starting materials is by using their laws against them

Think, if we were all to band together and get our hands on cuts of each of the strains all the LP's are selling and then make a bunch of femme seeds of them for the purpose of an open source style seed bank where the seeds are free for everyone

Get this going across Canada in various cities (clone swaps have started already in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver)

Honestly, a boycott wont work as most people don't know any better. So the best option would be to put them out of business by providing starting materials to medical patients for free

If you give away something for free that another is trying to sell to people then the person selling the thing won't have anyone to sell it to since people can get it for free

you can get clones and seeds anywhere
if you believe that LPs are your only way yer as dumb as our feds want you to be seeing as PATINETS HAVE BEEN GROWIN BEFORE LPS WAKE the fuc up

that's just it you've got no clue
and the proof is in your post of buying LP shit clones when anyone could have done this for you
So I totally see where you are coming from however I personally believe the only way to flush the LP starting materials is by using their laws against them

Think, if we were all to band together and get our hands on cuts of each of the strains all the LP's are selling and then make a bunch of femme seeds of them for the purpose of an open source style seed bank where the seeds are free for everyone

Get this going across Canada in various cities (clone swaps have started already in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver)

Honestly, a boycott wont work as most people don't know any better. So the best option would be to put them out of business by providing starting materials to medical patients for free

If you give away something for free that another is trying to sell to people then the person selling the thing won't have anyone to sell it to since people can get it for free

BOYCOTtS WORK watch and see
the true market will shut these fuckers down:hump::idea::weed:(:
BOYCOTS WORK watch and see
the true market will shut these fuckers down:hump::idea::weed:(:

I hope your right, however I am still going to try to get my hands on as many LP strains as I can so I can offer for free what the LP's offer if someone doesn't want any of my other strains

Think of it as a fall back position in case the boycott fails
ya know..once I thought ya had good things to offer.:idea:

sink and fail with the rest of em

festavofus for the REST OF US (:

ohh boycotts working just fine dude man

have ya had a boo at the stocks as of late?
fuckers are toast and it feels AWEESOME for 2019 to be able to say just how friggin badly they are failing LIKE WE SAID THEY WOULD
ya know..once I thought ya had good things to offer.:idea:

sink and fail with the rest of em

festavofus for the REST OF US (:

ohh boycotts working just fine dude man

have ya had a boo at the stocks as of late?
fuckers are toast and it feels AWEESOME for 2019 to be able to say just how friggin badly they are failing LIKE WE SAID THEY WOULD

And once I thought you had a brain ... keep on keepin on scarecrow

Funny thing about the end of Wizard of Oz is that when the scarecrow gets his diploma from the wizard what he says about the square root of a isocolese triangle is actually not true
pay no attention to the man behind the screen lol

you listened and bought from the one who pulled the wool over your eyes Mr.
cheers wool pulled ears
pay no attention to the man behind the screen lol

you listened and bought from the one who pulled the wool over your eyes Mr.
cheers wool pulled ears

How is it that the wool was pulled over my eyes when I knew very well that I would recieve sub par genetics?

Also my reasons for ordering seeds from that LP and I plan on getting more from others is to expose to the Canadian public the farce that the LP system is

Yes, LP system is shit ... Do I like it? no, I don't ... is it fair that most medical patients are being duped by this system to purchase poison? no, it is not

So what can I do about it? ... Well I can expose these frauds for what they are, however it's not what you know but what you can prove ... you sound like chicken little or the boy who cried wolf only the sky is falling and there is a wolf but because all you do is scream, yell and throw tantrums nobody wants to listen to you

There is another method that will put the LP's out of the business of selling starting materials and that is a Canada wide free cannabis seed bank that carries all genetics it can get its hands on, especially LP strains (to take away their revenue stream), specifically so a patient doesn't have to buy anything from an LP to start growing their own medicine

How high and mighty you must feel on your mountain singing the same old song while the world passes you by
One of my favourite movie quotes reminds me of this.

Your rage has unbalanced you. You sir, would fight to the death, against a knight who is not your enemy. Over a stretch of road you could easily ride around.

So be it. To the death!

You haven't listen to what I said. I didn't order the clones. My friend did. My friends and I already have more proven strains to choose from between us than most LP have. GG#4, White Queen, Texada Skunk, Northern Lights Kush, Jack Cleaner 2, Ghost Train Haze, Blueberry and Dave's Alaskan. This list is growing as we find/make more local growers.

If I had control of my friends spending or life he wouldn't have purchased a $6000 BCNL unit/package with Royale Cheese package three years ago. He wanted those clones.

I posted the pictures and also posted the link/price as I think Information should be shared. I'm never into Censorship. I think information should be shared, especially if someone doesn't want it shared.

I grow my own meds and I'm not buying from an LP I'm also quite generous with information and starting material. How does this make me a shill for the LP?

I'm sorry if I offended you but I'm not your enemy.
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nope not at all really..but yer makin light of their shit .

its all good.. I get to have my say in how shit and wrong it is regarding LP shwag clones

THAT WERE GIFTED strains from PAITEINTS who thought one day they could get them back plus ones they bought already ON THE MARKET
ya make it sound like they are the only ones who have them
and ya think they(lps) were sold good clones and seeds do you> BWahahahah YA RIGHT years of work given away
NOT from my world ,.8).

truth is that is what our gov originally had planned and well :hump::idea:
@Canadain Closet Gardener and @TrainingPineapples
What a bunch of "can't do anything for myself fuckin babies" Your both nothing but a couple of blind followers.
Get some fuckin balls and stop supporting the governent. You read here everyday what they have done and are trying to do to us. And then you fucking weak-kneed followers actually pull your pants down and bend over for them and order up some of their shit????????? WTF is wrong with ya???
You got no pride or a sense of past injustices? As long as you satisfy your needs you don't care eh? You don't care about the people they are still fucking over do ya's?? Because you are working with and supporting your own enemies. That's pretty stupid to me.
I DO NOT suck the cock of the guy slapping me......you both just did....how'd it taste? Nice n bitter I hope. You didn't just swallow your pride did you now? Did you offer the reach around while giving the rusty trombone?
I hope those clones fail and ruin your grows...you deserve it imo. Stop trying to ruin the genetic of a decent society of folks who don't comply for gain or on orders.
If LP's were the only place to buy clones I still wouldn't....and in my mind that makes me a stand up guy and you two...fill in the blank here...___________________
Anyone who supports any of this so called legalization is a fuckin easily ordered around jack-ass traitor imo.
How stupid are ya when you think you need to buy the strain you want from your sworn enemy...even if you don't realize that fact yet.
The LP's STOLE all those genetic from the folks who lovingly developed them!
Support that kind of thinking...no thanks...I got not much to offer in life but at least I don't cavort with the folks who'd love to ruin me and my lifestyle.
Shaking my head at the type of shit pile that doesn't live that way. That's what I love about this place...many others (not you two) who get that. And that makes us instant brothers. You gotta think and act a certain way to join that club and I'm proud to be a member. As well as to call others my brothers and friends who do the same. I REMEMBER history on this subject and what they did to us..and are still willing to do.
Ball-less slurping knee droppers.
They never even told ya " were sorry " and you came a runnin imo. shame on you!
How stupid are ya when you think you need to buy the strain you want from your sworn enemy...even if you don't realize that fact yet.
The LP's STOLE all those genetic from the folks who lovingly developed them!
Support that kind of thinking...no thanks...I got not much to offer in life but at least I don't cavort with the folks who'd love to ruin me and my lifestyle.
Shaking my head at the type of shit pile that doesn't live that way. That's what I love about this place...many others (not you two) who get that. And that makes us instant brothers. You gotta think and act a certain way to join that club and I'm proud to be a member. As well as to call others my brothers and friends who do the same. I REMEMBER history on this subject and what they did to us..and are still willing to do.
Ball-less slurping knee droppers.
They never even told ya " were sorry " and you came a runnin imo. shame on you!
LOL Hippy
As I said before I did not buy those clones.
LOL Hippy
As I said before I did not buy those clones.
Calming down a bit....I hate LP's ya know...can't even tolerate nice talk about them. I do NOT forgive any of them!
They are not our friends they are the new " ya better buy from us weed dealers " " or else " They are nothing more than scum to me...every fuckin one of em. Traitor bastards some are and others just plain greed rush wanna be goofs.
Not even an " we were wrong" " sorry" from them...fuck that!
NO WAY I can side or even think of their existence as ok.
I WANT TO HEAR THEM SAY THEY WERE WRONG AND ARE SORRY FOR THEIR IGNORANCE. folks say that will never happen and so then neither will my cooperation. You wanna dance...lets fuckin dance. That my attitude.
so to me doing ANYTHING LP or gov oriented is like licking hitler's cock. Same same to me...a dirty government now bent on being the new weed dealer in town.
If whoever buys...your nothing more to me than stupid and a bitch boy of the first order. Black and white to me.
Every time I come the the medical section, it’s always filled with the LP hate .

I don’t like them too, I don’t use them,
But for fuck sake , I sick of hearing two people say the same thing over n over n over, we get it you don’t like them.
But please shut the fuck up. No one cares ; you two are so pompous that I want to go buy LP weed just to spite you.
I never block anyone, but I just can’t keep reading this garbage anymore.
Think, if we were all to band together and get our hands on cuts of each of the strains all the LP's are selling and then make a bunch of femme seeds of them for the purpose of an open source style seed bank where the seeds are free for everyone
I get what you're going for. The problem is that all of the LP strains are already available in seed form as they got all of them from med patients and seedbanks.

The extra dumb ones who felt very smart about themselves renamed the strains and priced themselves out of the market.

They have absolutely nothing to offer that we can't already purchase at a far more reasonable price, plus you get to pick your own phenos.

It's a good idea in theory, but it would require the LPs to have something desirable to begin with.
I hate the LPs as much as anyone. Having read the last two pages it seems like the conversation around not supporting them could of gone much better. Why attack someone over it instead of just explaining what the issue is? I don't understand attacking someone who's friend, bought some clones.
For the record I fucking LOVED shishkaberry back in the late 90s early 2000s. But there is no chance I would pay that money for something they claim is shishkaberry. Not just because I hate them. More because there are tons of better strains easily available elsewhere.

On that note I am super happy with the kush x c99 testers from peak I have going atm. Day 38 from flip.

Cheers :)