2019 #1 commercial production 4x4x7 3+ LBS guide here

I actually am in the process of testing the Gavita pro 1000 right now. I have two of them in a room of 12 lights. So, they are right beside Gavita DE's. I am almost to turn ... and I am not impressed to tell you the truth. I will see what the weight is for those two sections when its done, but so far no bueno.

I'm going to leave them up for one more turn because we had a lot of syndromes with this run. The room is not really healthy, because of the PG&E power outages, so it's not a fair test. I also have to learn a lot about LED growing. I understand it makes a difference in just about everything.

If I can get equal weight production, and save 35% on energy I will do it. But I won't do it if it costs weight. At $1500 per light not counting controller and wiring, that's a lot of money for ten more lights - if it pencils out I'll do it.

Well running them side by side in the same room trying to grow with them the same way isn't going to give you ideal results. Your room is dialed in for growing with HPS currently. LED requires a different environment from everything I've read over the years. I personally don't have LED yet, but the next light I buy will be for sure. However if your room isn't healthy in the first place thats not gonna give ideal results either ;). Those Gavita LEDs seem alright, I've seen a few guys posting grows with them and some damn fine plants. I would think a commercial profit guy like you would know that you need to dial in the room when you make any major changes. Things don't just stay the same when they change ;).
Well running them side by side in the same room trying to grow with them the same way isn't going to give you ideal results. Your room is dialed in for growing with HPS currently. LED requires a different environment from everything I've read over the years. I personally don't have LED yet, but the next light I buy will be for sure. However if your room isn't healthy in the first place thats not gonna give ideal results either ;). Those Gavita LEDs seem alright, I've seen a few guys posting grows with them and some damn fine plants. I would think a commercial profit guy like you would know that you need to dial in the room when you make any major changes. Things don't just stay the same when they change ;).
Oh, I know.
Problem is that this operation is being run by committee.
Sometimes I have to 'sell' the obvious to these guys.

Yea, this 'test' is really kinda bust. I know that. And, having to keep them mixed might never result in a fair test.
I will do it again next turn; but I have to keep the lights all together like that ... just no room.

We're getting great results with what we got; so I suspect the boss will just say to sell the LED's and put the HPS back.
Oh, I know.
Problem is that this operation is being run by committee.
Sometimes I have to 'sell' the obvious to these guys.

Yea, this 'test' is really kinda bust. I know that. And, having to keep them mixed might never result in a fair test.
I will do it again next turn; but I have to keep the lights all together like that ... just no room.

We're getting great results with what we got; so I suspect the boss will just say to sell the LED's and put the HPS back.

You've said you run 2 rooms. I would switch one whole room if you want to actually see the improvements. If you set up one room and dial it in properly with the help of all the experienced LED growers that are around here, then you could blow your bosses mind, and 35% electrical savings over your whole campus would be way more profit then the 8k they get from chopping plants 2 weeks early. Hell maybe they would even let you finish the grow cycle properly on the LED room so you could really see the results, that would be novel.
Lmao he is growing with LEDs now.....

You should really look into the tech again if you still think it “isn’t quite there”. I’ve been watching the LED market for the last 10 years feeling the same way until the last year or 2. The tech is absolutely “there”!
100% agree!!!
And I agree with both of the above posters ...
I wish I had the power to do just that Thunder ... I really do.
But, I'm not working with my money. And the guy that pays the band names the tune, ya know? I'm just the conductor.

What I was trying to do is this: "The test is over and I'm here to report findings. Doing a test of two different types of lighting systems in the same room is not optimal. In fact it will affect results adversely. BUT, with that said, I still got great results. Increase weight under those lights of x%, better tricome production (see comparative pictures), and computed power savings of x%. I recommend switching an entire room to further test with no interference from other lighting sources."

That's what I was TRYING to do ... sell the boss on something that is obvious to us.

But, getting approval on $20,000 in upgrades, and a down room for two weeks (another $5000) ... when I can't say any of that is unlikely.
We are turning that room next week, I will do my computations, and prolly not report them ... but do it again.

Oh, and the 8 week cut thing ... not gonna change. It's what our customers want; and we give a paying customer what she wants, not what she needs.
i run 2 quantum baords atm punching co2 in my grow tent i tell ya right now i have sealed most my wires as it makes a pretty wired fizzle sound on the boards if i dont lol
What? That doesn’t make any sense lol. If your wires are making any noise you e got a loose connection or something.
yea the connections are sealed there's been cases all over were I live of grow rooms going up from co2 leaks look it up lol
yea the connections are sealed there's been cases all over were I live of grow rooms going up from co2 leaks look it up lol

Lmao nope, CO2 is not flammable or explosive you have no idea what you are talking about. If grow houses are blowing up "from CO2" the only option would be a gas-operated Co2 generator igniting or exploding from a leak.
IF CO2 was flammable, the world would have burned up a long time ago.
Same with O2.
Not flammable.

Every time I breathe out, I excrete co2 ... I'd be Puff the Magic Dragon if I could burn it.
Though my 'morning breath' has been known to singe hair.