Already had gotten it, Thank you though brother.
This is a new one I just discovered. It just amazes me how once we are able to produce our own legal medicine, Big Corp steps in and begins the thorough process of locking out what should be simple rights, while designing the laws to squeeze out as many nickels as possible. My friend did a six acre CBD grow last year, but very swiftly the laws were changed to shut down any future growth.
When I talk about having simple rights, I mean things like, why aren't we able to trade our medicine to our brothers and sisters that grow also?
For example, at a farmers market I am able to sell my corn, cabbage, tomatoes, without 'inspections' .... And this is food people eat! IPA's are the same way, bought, sold local. But marijuana? Gosh no..I can grow it - smoke it- maybe gift it in small amounts, but trade or barter and your a dealer.
On the flip side of that, I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for the rights we do have, and don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. I don't want to sound like a whiner, my house and I am blessed to be able to produce our own staples. It's just too bad we couldn't make a few clamshells on the up and up. We grow our own food, not a lot, yet we do some canning, I hunt to put meat in the freezer, and these things go a long way in this economy. In fact, I am having some of the last venison in the freezer, and hunting season starts in 6 weeks. And I am also smoking some of the last of my medicine from last year before I go to sleep at night, it has kept me off the.morphine for a lot of medical reasons I don't want to get into.
I'll end this rant with, I am blessed, I wish I could help others more, and it's wonderful not to have to worry about going to jail for a few plants.
May your harvest be amazing, your curing trouble free, and your medicine all it can be.