2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

Why rip them up?
I don’t want to have issues come later in the season. Several people have said that the stress from flipping back and forth can cause them to hermie and I don’t want to risk that. It’s untested genetics for me so I’d rather be safe then sorry. It’s early enough in the season where I can start new seeds and still get a large harvest.
The confusion comes from the legalization law saying “within the person’s primary residence” and the CCC regulations saying “in your primary residence,” when it would have been better to say “at or upon your primary residence.” The CCC page screenshot here does go into the need to keep plants secure and hidden from plain view, which clearly applies to outdoor growing -

Does the second note make sense or am I missing something. 6 plant limit never have more than 6 in flower?
They're constantly revising the language for this hobby. I recall when you can "gift" another for a "donation" until I debated with a relative and notice they took that portion out. I'm assuming it's to close the loophole as they consider it as "dealing"
^^ The CCC doesn't need to get involved, "gifting" for a "donation" is simply viewed as selling. Note that your references says "without payment" i.e. no donations for a gift.
That part is still vague and confusing. It doesn't say anything about timeframe for gifting. I could gift you an ounce a day for 10 days and still be legal. You could in turn gift me anything that has an equal market value. Same thing as selling in the end. Don't get me wrong, still way better than the prohibition days.
So here in Massachusetts, and I have had local pd loosely inspect and correct, had some young uns
In a raised bed out front, they just asked that I move them to my fenced in garden.
Biggest grey/arguable/controversy is the 12 plants. What is a 'plant?' Are seedlings plants?
Because I don't buy feminized or expensive seed, it may take me 30 seedlings to weed out 12 females.
And we do whittle it down to that.
Hardliners say 12 seedlings is 12 plants.
Personally, to me a 'plant's is a female, and I've ripped up and destroyed all the males selected my 12, I'll give away any number I'm over.
Because when they come, and they will come, believe me it'll be harvest time and if one plant over don't think they'll RIP up the one.
They're taking all your shit.
So by July, I am in full compliance, and I think that if you are obeying the meat of the law, and respect its finality, i can sleep easy at night.
Especially after the butter...