2021 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

Yeah, I’m leaning towards doing nothing for a bit and seeing if the issue resolves itself. I tested soil pH and it was between 6.5 and 7; also tested N P and K and they were all in the normal range.
Trying to figure out what’s causing the interveinal chlorosis on the new growth on this Hawaiian Hashbud X Balkhi plant that is stacking away and really starting to flower. Cervantes’ Excess/Deficiency chart tells me a) could be an excess of potassium and/or phosphorus, or b) alternatively, not enough iron/zinc/manganese/sulfur etc. The description for iron deficiency saying it starts from the leaf base is spot on for what I’m seeing.

Also seeing it to a lesser extent on the Tirah monster plants that are a couple of weeks behind this girl.

Went through a bit of the same thing starting in mid June, when the stretch really took off and growth was explosive. Ended up scratching in some cow poop and that seemed to alleviate it, wondering if I should do that again…thoughts, anyone? I’m growing totally organic and the chelated iron supplements all seem to be non-organic, per what chemicals are used to process them.

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A little composted manure would probably be OK. Don't overdo the N at this stage though or you might delay/impede flowering. Could also try a tea with something added that has trace minerals/micronutrients or do a foliar spray--quick uptake by the plant would probably confirm whether you've solved the issue.

Kelp meal perhaps? Or worm castings? Something low in N and packed with micronutrients/minerals.
Trying to figure out what’s causing the interveinal chlorosis on the new growth on this Hawaiian Hashbud X Balkhi plant that is stacking away and really starting to flower. Cervantes’ Excess/Deficiency chart tells me a) could be an excess of potassium and/or phosphorus, or b) alternatively, not enough iron/zinc/manganese/sulfur etc. The description for iron deficiency saying it starts from the leaf base is spot on for what I’m seeing.

Looks like iron deficiency to me. I use Southern Ag Citrus spray + kelp and it clears Iron deficiencies right up. It's an immobile element so foliar is the best way to fix.
i love this thread. i have 4 plants outdoors in MA now but my lazy ass didn’t start them until July; I used cheap garden loam, and inadequate pots. They’re still over 3’ tall and looking healthy af.
Looks like a possible hurricane is hitting us late this weekend, hope everyone has their supports up!

Started getting more stakes in today. I’ve needed a new ladder for the house anyway and the five foot stepladder wasn’t getting me anywhere near high enough to stake the top branches on the Tirah monstahs, so got a multi-use one that converts to a step-ladder. The new vista from higher up showed me that the only plant left where I hadn’t identified sex yet was a male - just in the nick of time, as he had swollen balls swinging away fourteen feet up! And not a sign down lower on the plant. Cut the top branches and they are now basking over a mirror for pollen collection - very glad to have a second male to play repro God with the eight Tirah girls. Next up: learn more about making hash, because no way am I even contemplating curing everything these plants should produce in jars.

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Batten down the hatches mass crew. 8" of rain,crazy with how wet summer has been already. Best of luck to everyone . Dont think there's much more i can do for mine at this point so unfortunately im expecting some breaks/loss if its as bad as it looks .
Might dodge the bullet here in SE Mass, what with the storm track moving west. Still going out to finish staking today though, as the branches will need support anyway to handle the weight of flowers so it’s not like I’m wasting my time and energy. Very glad this didn’t hit a month from now! Although who knows what lies ahead…