Hey family, well my curing has finished as I do my yearly freezer filling venison search. Sun up to sundown in 15-30F° seems to heal and regenerate the body and soul.
Sunday is a rest day, although it was last night I opened the first industrial mayonnaise sized jar and rolled a regular, cigarette sized jibber. I took a few puffs and.... wow. Just wow.
I'd like to thank my manager, and, ah, Jesus.
Seriously, I'd like to thank ALL THOSE ON THIS SITE who have helped me achieve this level. Thanks for the guidance, the pics and talks, the affirmations.
The end result was amazing.
The second season I've washed buds made a clear difference in smoothness. All the support I received (and gave) about patience, and keeping plants in as long as possible also contributed greatly to mature trikes. I think, IMO, that's where the 'levels of high' come from. The buzz doesn't just plateau and hang and drop. It takes you from one happy place to another, like waves or levels changing from 20 mins to 40 mins, it varies.
Since I'm working backwards, also thank you all for the seed knowledge and contributions. Dark Horse Genetics, and North Atlantic Seed Co. and others

Sure, I've been growing for years, yet my relationship with RIU and the fine people on it, have helped me to attain a more focused, purer end result.
And I'm always learning new things. I love my cannabutter. And now looking at Cobbing. I'd like to take the gummy bear trail, but it's a little complicated and triggers fear or laziness in me.
I guess we all want to be successful on our cannabis endeavors. RIU and my friends here have helped this make one of my best years ever. It definitely was not one of my personal biggest grows, in fact I'd chalked it up as a straight shitty harvest. Wow - was I wrong!
So thanks friends, you all know who you are. All on my follow list.