2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

To be fair, the same exact thing is happening to the democrats. You have the so-called "progressives" going so far to the left it's laughable while at the same time the so-called "centralist" democrats have essentially joined the republican party.

What is going to happen though is that democrats are going to lose both houses this November. The reason is pretty simple: the instant they got elected, they completely trashed everything they ran on.

Here are the issues they talked about 24/7 during the election cycle and the result since getting elected:
  • Medicare for All - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Student debt relief - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Police Reform - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Expanded Medicare - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Lower prescription medication prices - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Rich pay their fair share of taxes - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Economy for all - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • $15.00 minimum wage - allowed to be shot down by the parliamentarian. :roll:
The moment they got elected, it was all thrown in the garbage in favor of their own interests. Again.

Joe Biden has done essentially fuck-all. He's so busy trying to be remembered as the second coming of FDR that he's pretty much trashed any chance he had of getting re-elected, provided his health holds out and he lives that long that is. His approval rating right now is right about where Trump's was - in the mid 40's and stuck there.

Dems are going to tote an ass whipping this election cycle.

They completely deserve it.
Hey, Taco,

Remember when you insisted that a bumper sticker saying "Fuck Trump" was illegal and I posted an opinion by the district attorney in the Texas county where the police action against the driver occurred? Yeah, the DA said it was legal and the police were in the wrong.

But you kept insisting you were right?

So, what's this thing about Biden not doing "fuck-all"? Biden produced plenty of good results from last year, including a remarkably good start at recovering from Trump's depredations to our economy.

Not that you can understand it. After all, you've spoken and can't possibly admit how wrong you are. That would be un-Tacoish of you.
The Supreme Court may completely hollow out the Voting Rights Act by 2024
Maybe Alabama will enact the "intelligence test" to qualify to vote that @Roger A. Shrubber so fervently desires. After all, literacy tests were great.
Because they never wanted to do any of it anyway. It was all lip service.

The $15.00 minimum wage was intentionally put on the covid relief plan so that the parliamentarian could get rid of it and they would have an excuse. You know what Mitch McConnell did when the parliamentarian tried to strike something from a bill of his? He FIRED the parliamentarian. Their job is to make suggestions. They have no power at all.

But it was perfectly OK for old Chuck to throw up his hands and say, "Sorry folks! We tried!"

Police reform? They never even wrote any legislation at all. It was completely abandoned.

Student debt relief? Same thing. They did start a Twitter campaign where they all tweeted, "Today would be a good day for President Biden to forgive student debt" about every 5 weeks. That's all that's been done about it.

The rest of them are all the same. The only thing they were promising that they actually tried to do anything about was voter legislation. At least that one they can honestly say they tried, which is why I didn't mention it.

The rest of them that I mentioned they didn't even bother writing anything up at all, let alone putting it forward for a vote. It was literally forgotten about entirely.

LOL! Another false flag from democrats. They do the same exact thing. In fact, the most gerrymandered district in the United States is the democratic drawn and run 3rd district of Maryland. Here you go:

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Which Joe Biden's attorney general has done absolutely NOTHING about. He's not only let Trump off the hook completely, he's actively defending him in court from lawsuits.

People have said that since Mueller. Guess what?

It is never going to happen.
Says the man who has been passionately and energetically wrong many times before.
https://www.rawstory.com/brett-kavanaugh-2656600994/Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 6.24.22 PM.png
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, on Monday, expressed his disapproval over Justice Elena Kagan's sharp criticism of him and his conservative allies.

The conflict arose over the Court's decision Monday to halt a lower court's order requiring Alabama to redraw its congressional maps over claims it disenfranchised black voters. Per Talking Points Memo:

"The conservative majority did not explain its reasoning in Monday’s order. Justice Brett Kavanaugh did write a concurring opinion, attempting to rebut Justice Elena Kagan’s dissent."

In her dissent, Kagan did not mince words with her criticism of Kavanaugh, arguing that the state's attempts to defend the redistricting, which would group the majority of Black voters in one district, "seeks to 'graft onto' the Voting Rights Act 'a new requirement, lacking any foundation in our precedent.'”

Per TPM, the state claims "that if a new map to craft two Black majority districts is to be drawn, it must be drawn without taking race into account as a priority — otherwise, the state claims, it would be an illegal racial gerrymander."

However, Kavanaugh argues otherwise.

“The stay order does not make or signal any change to voting rights law,” he insists. “The stay order is not a ruling on the merits, but instead simply stays the District Court’s injunction pending a ruling on the merits.”

Kavanaugh then pivoted to express his disapproval of the Kagan's dissent. “The principal dissent’s catchy but worn-out rhetoric about the ‘shadow docket’ is similarly off-target,” he said.

“Late judicial tinkering with election laws can lead to disruption and to unanticipated and unfair consequences for candidates, political parties, and voters, among others,” Kavanaugh wrote. “It is one thing for a State on its own to toy with its election laws close to a State’s elections. But it is quite another thing for a federal court to swoop in and re-do a State’s election laws in the period close to an election.”

He also claimed politics had no bearing on his decision.

“Contrary to the dissent’s mistaken rhetoric, I take no position at this time on the ultimate merits of the parties’ underlying legal dispute,” he wrote. “And I need not do so until the Court receives full briefing, holds oral argument, and engages in our usual extensive internal deliberations.”

I was going to try to find a video of a kid getting called a liar and freaking out and say it is actual video of the drunken dick head getting caught giving the Republicans their racist maps for 2022, but I just don't have it in me tonight. This is disheartening.
https://www.rawstory.com/brett-kavanaugh-2656600994/View attachment 5082248

I was going to try to find a video of a kid getting called a liar and freaking out and say it is actual video of the drunken dick head getting caught giving the Republicans their racist maps for 2022, but I just don't have it in me tonight. This is disheartening.
Fuck Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Thomas...they have no honor, no morals, and no fucking business on the supreme court...kkkavanaugh is kkkrying over Kagan's comments? fuck him twice.
https://www.rawstory.com/brett-kavanaugh-2656600994/View attachment 5082248

I was going to try to find a video of a kid getting called a liar and freaking out and say it is actual video of the drunken dick head getting caught giving the Republicans their racist maps for 2022, but I just don't have it in me tonight. This is disheartening.
Most disheartening is Cheeto 4yrs.,3Supreme Court appts,THREE judges (lifetime appts)to the most consequential legal authority in the land,responsible for groundbreaking,life altering decisions,semi neutral balance tilted right for years to come.
Guess the school board people from my county were on fox, dipshitting it up.

Plus side is the next county over had to close their school board meeting to the public over mask shit, crazies calling in bomb threats or whatevs. The mandates are expiring in the whole metro area in a week or so, its a bit silly. My county looks slightly less bad, ever so slightly.
So this came in the mail yesterday.

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The insurrectionist GQP that have gerrymandered their way into power here in Michigan that passed some bullshit law that allows a tiny fraction of signatures to give them the power to override the will people who voted her in the 2018 election to stop voter suppression tactics like this that are being manufactured due to the big lies they tell, by circumventing our governor's ability to veto their scams.

Not only did they make it dripping with contempt for the majority of voters here in the state who voted for the Democratic governor, POTUS and senators, but they also made it a cash grab too like the good con artists that they are.

They sent with two petitions.

Here are the pages of legalese.

These insurrectionist/sellout/con artist RINO's need to be voted out of office and never get another foot in the door of political power in our nation.
I was curious about how many votes are needed for the above petition that the Republicans in Michigan have sent out (oddly enough requires less security than the current voting by mail requires that the Republicans want to change because of their bullshit lying narrative Trump pushed) to give them the ability to push through legislation that our Governor can't veto.

Turns out it is about 460,000 votes.

It might only be 360,000 based on this Salon article that also talks about the gerrymandered districts that have given the Republicans control over all the state level legislation since before the 1980's.

https://www.salon.com/2021/07/15/michigan-gop-plans-shocking-scheme-to-ram-through-voting-restrictions-over-whitmers-veto/Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 1.51.08 PM.png
The Republican leader of the Michigan State Senate says the party will try to push through its proposed voting restrictions, using a unique loophole in state law, despite a near-certain veto by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Republicans have already introduced 39 voting bills in the State Senate and dozens more in the House, three of which have already passed. Whitmer has vowed to veto the proposed restrictions. Senate Republican Leader Mike Shirkey told local news outlet JTV earlier this month that Republicans do not have the votes to override the veto but would instead pursue a scheme to use the state's citizen initiative process to circumvent the veto.

"You heard it here first, keep your eyes and ears open for the potential of a citizen initiative driven by the state party on some of these more important election laws that need to be considered," Shirkey said.

But state Sen. Erika Geiss, a Democrat, warned in an interview with Salon that "citizens will never actually see this question on their ballot."

Despite the name, Geiss explained, such a "citizen initiative" will never come up for a vote by the full electorate. "So it's really disingenuous," she said.

Michigan's unique "adopt and amend" procedure allows the state legislature to adopt a citizen initiative and then pass it into law with a simple veto-proof majority. The scheme only requires about 340,000 signatures, or 8% of the total votes cast in the last gubernatorial election, meaning that Michigan's heavily gerrymandered Republican majority and less than 4% of the state's population can circumvent the governor's power without ever putting the question before the public.

"It is really an abuse of our power as legislators," Geiss said.

This process has only been used nine times in the last six decades, according to the state's Bureau of Elections. Ron Weiser, chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, first floated the scheme back in March, before the state GOP forced out its executive director for criticizing former President Donald Trump's election lies.

The plot comes just three years after Michigan voters overwhelmingly approved Proposal 3, a ballot initiative that expanded voting rights and absentee ballot access.

"It's really unfortunate because it does not reflect the will of the voters," state Rep. Matt Koleszar, vice-chair of the state House Elections and Ethics Committee, said of the Republican scheme in an interview with Salon. "The other option they have is letting it go to the ballot. I don't think they would do that, because it would be defeated."

In fact, Michigan Republicans have been trying to undo another ballot initiative that overwhelmingly passed in 2018 to create an independent redistricting commission, which threatens the party's hold over the legislature. Nancy Wang, the executive director of Voters Not Politicians, a campaign launched to pass the redistricting initiative, said that attempt to reverse the will of the voters was a prelude to this year's Republican power grab.

"It's so shocking — the extremes they will go to to legislate and pass laws that only a tiny minority of Michiganders who still believe the Big Lie support, at the expense of the millions of Michiganders that voted for expanded voting rights," Wang said in an interview with Salon. "It'sshocking because it's such a small number of people that you need to get to sign on."

(continues, but is really long so not copy/pasting it all here)

So basically looking at the votes for Whitmer that the people of Michigan cast in the 2018 election, these insurrectionist propaganda pushing Republicans will be able to overturn the will of the people with about 20% of the votes it took for us to put her in office.

The bill was introduced in 1963.

Just happens to be the same year as the Walk to Freedom march here in Detroit. I am sure it is just a coincidence (sarcasm) that a law that is being used to help the current racist Republican agenda throw a Hail Mary to pass legislation that circumvents the votes that a vast majority of the non-white people (who due to decades of racism are less likely to have the id that these laws require for them to vote in their gerrymandered and underfunded districts) was passed in the same year that the black community here rose up and demanded their civil rights.

This current racist, anti-democracy, propaganda driven Republican party that sold out to the ultra-wealthy and foreign dictators to maintain power to keep them untaxed need to get voted out of office.
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AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Jose Garza ran for district attorney in Austin on promises to hold police accountable in Texas’ capital city. He got off to a fast start, charging at least seven officers during his first year on the job, including one charged with murder twice.

But no cases have reached deeper into the police department than the indictments Thursday of 19 officers on felony charges over tactics used during the 2020 racial injustice protests.

“Nineteen is, whew, I don’t know any place else that’s done that,” said Margaret Moore, Garza’s predecessor as the district attorney of Travis County.

The indictments widened the rift in the the booming city between Austin police and Garza, a Democrat whose 2020 campaign was backed by liberal allies including U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and promised crackdowns on misconduct by law enforcement.

By late Friday, all of the newly charged officers had been placed on administrative leave, said Saul Gray, a department spokesman.

Garza said the indictments were not politically driven and that “our community is safer when our community trusts law enforcement.” Community activists who have long criticized the city’s handling of the protests, which included officers firing beanbag rounds into the crowd, called the indictments overdue and said Garza deserves credit.

But even allies on Friday were frustrated by the lack of details, which Garza has said he is unable to release yet. Garza announced during a news conference Thursday that grand jury indictments were expected, but he gave no specifics. And more than 24 hours later, the officers’ names and the reasons they were charged hadn’t been publicly released.

Texas law requires that an indictment remain secret until an officer has been arrested. Criminal justice experts also expressed skepticism about the large number of indictments in one case and whether it would result in convictions.

Officer Justin Berry, a Republican candidate for a state House seat, said in a statement Saturday that he is one of those charged. He blasted Garza for trying to influence voters with what he called a witch-hunt.

“This case is beyond preposterous,” Berry said. “He demonizes police, he puts no value on keeping people safe, and he harms our communities.”

Berry said an internal police investigation into the incident cleared all the officers and that there is no question they will be acquitted.

Mayor Steve Adler said there had been pressure on the city to change police culture and that he supports Garza. But he said he wants details about the indictments to be made public soon as possible.

“It is a large number and I’m anxious for the public and for everyone to learn what it is that gave rise to that,” he said.

Garza’s office declined an interview request Friday and said it was still unable to release details.

Several people with knowledge of the indictments told The Associated Press that the charges include aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

Aggravated assault charges, when committed by a public servant, could carry a sentence of up to life in prison.

Police Chief Joseph Chacon expressed disappointment over the charges and the head of the police union, Ken Casaday, blasted Garza, saying he was trying “to fulfill a campaign promise” to indict officers. Garza brushed off that criticism and emphasized that his office also prosecuted 33 non-officers who were involved in the 2020 protests.

Garza easily defeated Moore, a one-term incumbent, in a 2020 victory that he credited to outrage over the justice system in Texas’ most liberal city. He had been the head of a labor group, the Workers Defense Project, and hadn’t previously held public office.

Garza was among a handful of progressive prosecutors who won office that year, when the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others sparked a national outcry over law enforcement’s treatment of Black people.

“There’s literally been no accountability for the officers that seriously injured dozens of people during the protest,” said Chris Harris, policy director of the Austin Justice Coalition. “So this is something that needed to happen. And so we’re glad that Jose Garza is here and and did something.”

It is by far the most indictments of officers from a single U.S. police department over tactics law enforcement used during the 2020 protests. Two Dallas officers face charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and official oppression, and a New York police officer was charged with assault after shoving a woman to the ground. But despite widespread claims of heavy-handed or even illegal police tactics, few cities pursued charges.

Former U.S. attorney Joe Brown, who also spent two decades as a Republican district attorney in North Texas, said convicting a police officer is always difficult and that Texas juries tend to give officers the benefit of the doubt.

“This is really unprecedented, to my knowledge,” Brown said. “To allege that there was criminal intent by that many police officers, who were operating in a chaotic and unpredictable environment and assumedly pursuant to policy and how they had been trained, is really remarkable.”

Chacon stressed that his command staff had prepared officers to face hundreds of people when thousands actually showed up to protests that he said were at times “riotous and violent.” The 1,640-officer Austin department serves a population of 960,000 people.

David Crump, a professor at the University of Houston Law Center and former prosecutor, also said it is rare to see more than one officer indicted together.

While stressing that the evidence needs to be seen, Crump drew a parallel between the charges in Austin and those brought against Baltimore police in the 2015 death of Freddie Gray. In that case, a recently elected Maryland prosecutor facing intense public pressure charged six officers. After three trials, she won zero convictions.

“It just looks like an iffy sort of indictment that could go either way,” Crump said.

Just a reminder that all the elections matter.

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Chauvin was held accountable for murdering a man only because Minnesota elected Keith Ellison for Attorney General in a off year election.

Breonna Taylor was killed when police fired into her apartment while she slept.

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The people who murdered her will not face justice because Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron was also elected in a off year.

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Just a reminder that every election matters.
Hey, Taco,

Remember when you insisted that a bumper sticker saying "Fuck Trump" was illegal and I posted an opinion by the district attorney in the Texas county where the police action against the driver occurred? Yeah, the DA said it was legal and the police were in the wrong.

But you kept insisting you were right?

So, what's this thing about Biden not doing "fuck-all"? Biden produced plenty of good results from last year, including a remarkably good start at recovering from Trump's depredations to our economy.

Not that you can understand it. After all, you've spoken and can't possibly admit how wrong you are. That would be un-Tacoish of you.
A blast from the past :o! I was a little disappointed not to see at least one “dumbass”. Mellowed perhaps?
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Keep Donald running around loose until just the right moment, then indict him in Georgia and try him this summer or fall, make top republicans testify against him at his trial including Meadows and watch Donald rip the GOP to shreds as he freaks out and panics. Try him for election interference in Georgia and it will force him to refight 2020 in 2022 while fucking up the republican game plan to win back the congress. It's the only hope I can see, since facts and morals don't matter anymore, Americans would still vote for these idiots in spite of everything they've done to betray the country and constitution. Use Trump's unpopularity among some republicans to divide them, just keeping 10% of Trump's base home will do the trick. Timing Trump's troubles could be the key to to winning in November, it might just be coincidence, but the timing sure looks like it's gonna work out for maximum effect, between Trump's trials, the 1/6 panel reports, the coming indictments and general shit GOP candidates are generally in.

Considering the scandals and the republican's support of Trump, the insurrection and corruption, you'd figure they would be wiped out in November, instead of poised to take back the house. Bigotry and tribalism are the only things that can explain it, how a party that has clearly descended into illiberal, antidemocratic authoritarianism is even registering in the polls, much less leading them. Not even insurrection, treason, mass corruption and the example of Trump as the worst person in the fucking world is enough for them.
Donald Trump Could Be Losing Status As GOP Kingmaker
I think they need to indict a high profile henchman. Getting a bit restless. Though donny running around being a crazy weirdo is the best thing the dems have going for them in terms of holding onto seats and such. It drives those moderates out of the rep party and can hopefully get people to the polls.

Idk, I think they would have a hard time getting a conviction anywhere other than NY. People are crazy, good luck not having a tainted juror pool, at least 1 of them is likely a piss drinker waiting for jfk to come back.
I think they need to indict a high profile henchman. Getting a bit restless. Though donny running around being a crazy weirdo is the best thing the dems have going for them in terms of holding onto seats and such. It drives those moderates out of the rep party and can hopefully get people to the polls.

Idk, I think they would have a hard time getting a conviction anywhere other than NY. People are crazy, good luck not having a tainted juror pool, at least 1 of them is likely a piss drinker waiting for jfk to come back.
Fulton Co. is heavily democratic and half black, if it were anywhere else in Ga I'd agree with you. The point is not the verdict here however, but the trial, Kempt, Raffensberger, Meadows and other republican officials will have to testify against him. Most importantly the trial will be on TV as all Georgia trials are, if there is a trial, it should be this summer or fall. It is a simple straight forward case with Trump's voice recording as the evidence and elected officials as witness against him. The jury will be well screened and besides the country will be the jury as well, so even if he is acquitted by a hold out on the jury, he won't be by the public.
Data Shows Odd Clusters Of Florida Voters Switching To Republican Party

The Miami Herald is reporting that large clusters of voters have had their party affiliation mysteriously switched to Republican without their knowledge.