2023 A new beginning.

So there was a catastrophic failure today in the flowering area. I heard a deep thud sound and went to investigate and a light wire pulled out of a stud and landed directly onto the canopy. Two plants main stalks were broken and smashed along with two side branches being completely severed from the stalk. Black taped the main stalks the best I could and gave everything an early night while I figure out the hanging problem.
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11 clones were put into soil today. They have been put under around 5k lux for the next 24hrs then 24 hrs in the dark then 12/12. Almost all clones are rooted and ready to transfer. Next wave of clones should be around 15 or 20 to go in soil.


Flowering plants that suffered the light failure were left in the dark for 24hrs. Partially so that I could resolve the lighting situation, but mostly because there was an inspection today. I'm honestly not too worried about the plants that were completely smashed as I've had worse outside. And the one day of extra dark will give them a little stretch that they could use. Either way tomorrow I will post pics of the.result of my taping. Either there will be plants mostly dead or plants that keep on going. I'm betting on there ok. I've had outside plants split stalk directly to soil from a storm and they came back so.... Hey gotta be positive. I guess if they don't make a recovery I won't have to remove them to a different area to start the real grow
Some flowering plants

Some clones. (Left row almost flowering. Rest are prior post.)
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Clones are all doing well so they will be added to the others and begin there 12/12 transition.

A few flowering plants. Still no nutrients being used. You can still see minor burn from the mg soil in old growth.

Beyond rootbound but very healthy.

Mutation that we have catered to occurs consistently every other node. I will most likely clone it dor new mother and see what we get from her clones

Will start using nutes next week..... Sometime

Bottom center you can see a branch from one of the crushes plants wilting slowly. Branch appears it may not make it. But ....
Flowering plants today

21 new clones put into flower.. 6x clones are friends who is doing everything solo for the first time. (well except putting them in this area). I do not step in unless I am asked for help.

20+ clones will be added to this area this week. The real grow begins.

We will be cloning the mutation top this week, introducing 20+ clones into the other group and introducing nutrients for the first time to all flowering plants.
A few flowers forming


Tomorrow I will probably start using a very low nutrient solution. We try to keep everything we do affordable and available to most growers so we will probably be buying some all hated plant food.
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Area before lights out

Photo of clones tomorrow after I add all rooted clones to area.
(There not flowering anyways yet)
Plants flowering 1 week.

Clones SOG style. Look at those water bottles. Lol.
Center 21 should start showing first flowers in a few days. Outside erm 36? Just put into flower so no action from them for a little bit. We will be starting a new journal for the SOG. More clones will be added in a few days.

Going to clone out the current mothers so we will be adding around 60x clones to the SOG in the next few weeks.
So the clones made it through there first day of heavy light with minimal drooping.
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Clones rearranged.

Completely forgot to take pics of the flowering blah plants before lights out. Solo pic from earlier though. Sorry camera suxxors sometimes
Changed lighting for a moment for a cool picture.
(11 days into flower)
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So the deficiencies are insane across the board. Nutrients have been introduced at 1/4 dosage. Yellow leaves will be trimmed off in a week or so.
Flowering day 1

Please note that some of these will not make it throughout the journal. Slowly they will be relocated as the actual grow is slowly introduced into this area.

Most of these flowering plants have been moved. If we bring them back we will continue this journal otherwise you can view our SOG journal HERE. As of right now this journal is currently closed.