2023 solo cup contest..

Since when is hand-watered a rule?
I thought that was in the first set of posts, maybe it was just a suggestion, my bad. Roots in the cup def was one. Regardless, as long as we follow what was basically guidelined before, I don't see a need to foce a flip date for photo growers. As long as the plant is done by the 6th month end date, do you? The flip date in reply to mickfoster is mostly what I was commenting about.
Could I get a rules clarification please?
Do we have to flip to flower with 3 weeks of veg?
I think I read that but I didn't want to sort though it.
If this is the case.........why?
the 6 month end date is just of the comp.. not how long you can grow the plant.. its so late entries can get in..
photo plants are allowd 2-3 weeks veg time.. then must be flipped to flower..
here you go and i dont know why