2023 solo cup contest..

And they had a rough week when I was out of town,too. Not sure if that stressed and sped em up a bit or if it stunted them a little. Either way, I'm hoping the end product is good and gives me a reason to run it again in a regular sized pot with hopefully no snafu's.
I took mine with me on a trip last week it was interesting driving to the cabin with them in the cup holder. It is legal in California but I still felt like I was asking for trouble.:lol:
This is a photoperiod and auto grow off in OG red solo cups (no big cups)
Start date and member name must be on the cup at all times
No stacking cups.
Medium is up to grower.
One winner from the photos and one winner from the autos will be selected..
There will be a best in show for both groups.
Winners will be selected based off of amount yeilded from one plant.. you can grow as many as you want but only one can be entered into the contest from start to finish so select carefully..
More rules may be applied before start of comp..
Start date will be as soon as your seed is sprouted and planted in your labled cup..
End date will be 6 months from today..
Winners will get some seeds from me and any others willing to pitch in..

Edit: i will select 5 judges for comp when participants start to near finish..

I'll give it a shot as I usually start my seeds in 16 Oz red solo cups. Will send pics of progress.
Eventually though, shouldn't they be moved into a gallon pot? Or is the point to get the best yield in the smallest of space/ container?
I'd hate to lose plants for failure to transplant but I'm a newbie.
So fat, I've gotten 2 good females from 12 seeds. Not a good ratio.
Trying a germination heat pad and complete darkness until they sprout.
Will update and thanks for the chance!.
Love this site. First day on iI.
Typically you'd be immediately disqualified for comments such as that, but I'm guessing that the council will give you a second chance, since you're a noob.
Uh, why? And yeah, I'll admit I'm a noob, how else do you learn without asking questions. Even stupid ones.
I'm doing a ton of reading but it's alot to learn.
Uh, why? And yeah, I'll admit I'm a noob, how else do you learn without asking questions. Even stupid ones.
I'm doing a ton of reading but it's alot to learn.
Why? Because this is a brutally fierce competition. Asking questions is wonderful, but blasphemous talk of gallon containers should never be spoken of in this thread. In fact, I'm weary to even mention anything above a pint, for fear of the council raining shame down upon me and my family. I do believe however that both you and I will be forgiven, so I can only suggest that you tread cautiously through the waters henceforth.
Why? Because this is a brutally fierce competition. Asking questions is wonderful, but blasphemous talk of gallon containers should never be spoken of in this thread. In fact, I'm weary to even mention anything above a pint, for fear of the council raining shame down upon me and my family. I do believe however that both you and I will be forgiven, so I can only suggest that you tread cautiously through the waters henceforth.
You forgot the main rule. Piss Only!
Why? Because this is a brutally fierce competition. Asking questions is wonderful, but blasphemous talk of gallon containers should never be spoken of in this thread. In fact, I'm weary to even mention anything above a pint, for fear of the council raining shame down upon me and my family. I do believe however that both you and I will be forgiven, so I can only suggest that you tread cautiously through the waters henceforth.
I had no idea. I hear so many conflicting opinions and someone I just met with a PHD in botany told me gallon containers were the way to go.
I realize there's more than one way to skin a bud though. Lol.
I had no idea. I hear so many conflicting opinions and someone I just met with a PHD in botany told me gallon containers were the way to go.
I realize there's more than one way to skin a bud though. Lol.
Shhhhh!!! Stop talking about volumes above a pint!!

While you are absolutely correct regarding horticulture optimization, this thread is more about optimizing production while in confinement of a solo cup for the duration of a plant's life.
Why? Because this is a brutally fierce competition. Asking questions is wonderful, but blasphemous talk of gallon containers should never be spoken of in this thread. In fact, I'm weary to even mention anything above a pint, for fear of the council raining shame down upon me and my family. I do believe however that both you and I will be forgiven, so I can only suggest that you tread cautiously through the waters henceforth.
Shhhhh!!! Stop talking about volumes above a pint!!

While you are absolutely correct regarding horticulture optimization, this thread is more about optimizing production while in confinement of a solo cup for the duration of a plant's life.
Got ya. Sorry. I understand the challenge of this and admire all who have success. Maybe one day I'll have the knowledge to attempt something g like this.

Getting used the to site. Love it. Thanks for baring with me and my misplaced threads. I'll be more conscious of others and the thread topics.

Just excited to get into this and trying to understand.
Thanks all. Good luck!
Got ya. Sorry. I understand the challenge of this and admire all who have success. Maybe one day I'll have the knowledge to attempt something g like this.

Getting used the to site. Love it. Thanks for baring with me and my misplaced threads. I'll be more conscious of others and the thread topics.

Just excited to get into this and trying to understand.
Thanks all. Good luck!
I see that you've already dipped into the politics section. Good luck..
Ahem! The council is not pleased. Both of you doubled down and said it twice too. Technically that is 2 strikes, but I..er.. uh, I mean.. the real council aka the high one is probably having a rather pleasant day, and will likely count the first time as warnings. So, that would only leave you both with 1/3 strikes. Careful, because after the 2nd strike, you lose umm.. about 3 lbs off the final total dry weight you enter in!

Let it be a warning to everyone, that in the event of a 3rd strike, you will be forever banished, shamed as apostates from future competitions! Well, unless of course you atone for your transgressions, only by bathing in the sacred living pee water run off of the mythical solo cup. Only then will you be redeemed. Its only a myth though, so ya your pretty much piss outta luck at that point..
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