2023 solo cup contest..

I'm in as well but I have just a few questions...

1. Has anyone ever done/tried/seen or heard of this being done?
2. After viewing J Rockets entry the pic made me think of stability, so do the cups need to be self-supporting?

Leaf's up
1. no, no, yes
2. good sense dictates not following me for any sense of stability but yes, self supporting only.
I'm in as well but I have just a few questions...

1. Has anyone ever done/tried/seen or heard of this being done?
2. After viewing J Rockets entry the pic made me think of stability, so do the cups need to be self-supporting?

Leaf's up
If your plant gets rediculessly heavy you can support the cup.. but pics must be provided to prove..
Perhaps I should read more than the 1st page. Simple mistake, I will make more I am sure.
I will be doing an otto I am just unsure of the strain.
I think its stuff like this contest that inspires innovation and will provide information to make some of us a better grower.