2023 solo cup contest..

Supports are only allowed if you are using hidden magnets stuffed in the buds, because no one would even know that's whats holding the the 6 ft plant up.. haha. Follow me for more advice on how to cheat! Your all going to need it to win against my legit deep solo culture cup. JK, I know you guys wouldn't.

I think mini scrogs/supports should at least be allowed though. Just, the size of whatever medium being in 16 oz solo cup should be the only real rule..

I guess without a support, when it tips over, you just keep feeding it anyway? ;)
You mean to stop the cup toppling over or something?

Any medium.

Now that's an interesting question on the hole/s

I believe previous events, you could only have one hole, doesn't mean we have to follow but should be discussed

Yes. To stop from toppling. Are you saying that a one-hole cup with a hydro setup as a medium is OK?

If so, I don't have a chance.

EDIT: Just saw roots in cup only. Thanks.
I'm just gonna let him pollinate the rest of my solo cups entered in too. He might even win the best show award, who knows?

Not only will the seeds will add weight to the female participant plants, but I could end up with some pretty crazy random genetics that I wouldn't have otherwise. ;)
Only one plant can be entered in comp.. you can start as many as you like.. but once they are flipped to flower and show sex you must select just one for entry in comp..