Only 3 weeks left huh? June 10th, right? Right?
How has it been almost 6 months already!? Looks like I'm the last plant\s standing then? Guess I'll let her ride "2 more weeks" or so under the t-5.. that should milk about another lb or 2 out of it. Then a quick dry. The flowers have surprisingly been bulking up good under old t-5 bulbs with nothing else, but pyra power infusion.
The mutant runt still has another 3-4 months to go, but I'll probably chop it up too. Or toss it outside now that its warm. It reeks, Might even piss around with it and find out. Either way, i'm gonna roll a fat lemon wookie wizz blunt from it, and blaze it up in memory of farmerfischer. Oh, and everyone else that ..... suddenly, or got abducted by aliens, or didn't respect the rules or whatever happened.
Everyone's plants\stashes look great btw. Every1 a winner baby, that's no lie! I just won some more seeds from a dispo bag again, haha..