Consumers have proven that they value cheap prices for manufactured goods. Take a look at how Walmart and Amazon are hurting local businesses by undercutting them with cheap substitutes. Tarrifs will increase prices, because they will get passed on to the consumer. Companies wont simply eat that cost. Manufacturing jobs have been leaving countries that have higher safety standards and wages, because those costs are baked into to the manufacturing cost of those products - leading to higher prices. I live in a rust-belt state that has had a fall from grace after the steel and manufacturing industries took a major hit. There were many recent promises made to keep some of those plants open, but they “fell through” and closed anyway after the votes were tallied in 2016.
It is false hope that manufacturing jobs will come back, because the wheels have been set in motion to do just the opposite, for years. The individual pushing this idea is lying to the public. These jobs are being outsourced and the products made elsewhere— for cheap - just like all those red hats, gold shoes, and bibles.