2024 Election Discussion & Media Thread – Follow All Guidelines

People have been crying and screaming
But not privately they are recording themselves and then posting it on YouTube does anybody know why this is happening?
I could take a guess. My assumption is many people are in pain over this and with the disconnection of social networks during the pandemic they are wondering if anyone really cares. Anyway it's just a guess.

If anyone else would like to laugh over the agony their fellow humans are going through you can be banned too. But gloating and arrogance won't be tolerated. We will be respectful here of everyone.
Trump and the Republicans promise to “take care of our veterans,” yet their agenda puts veterans' health care, jobs, and disability pay at risk
Shout out to the lovely ladies on here.
How do you feel about the results and can you give a sister some helpful advice dealing with the next 4 years.
@curious2garden and @sunni
Love you and all you do for this community!
not surprised by the results but disappointed nonetheless. my $0.02 on it all as a woman: this ain't our first rodeo with this clown. there's a TON of fear mongering and frankly, we as a society are addicted to it. fear is a huge motivator, which is great because it helps us discern threats and keeps us safe. unfortunately it has been weaponized and i believe most folks who voted for him were doing so out of fear, and feeling like he will keep them safe or help take away/alleviate their fear.

find your allies in men who aren't misogynists (they're out there!! so many of them are so so good and love their sisters, friends, girlfriends, mothers, daughters, etc), ask them to STAND UP for us when they're with their buddies who make shitty comments (my man was on a job site with a guy last week who, i shit you not, was making the argument that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, quoting jordan peterson and talking about "meritocracy vs democracy" and how women aren't capable of being as intelligent as men - yes, he was dead serious), to take the fear that we have as women seriously, help keep us safe. we're all meant to work together, to complement each other in strengths and weaknesses, but frankly we ARE out-powered physically by men, we've known it since we were very very young. surround yourself with good guys and ask them to be your advocate. directly, frankly. i brought this up at a brewery the other night and it started some great discussions.

oh, and buy a gun, learn how to shoot. join a shooting range and ask if they have a ladies sharp shooters group. you'll find some great people there, who believe in protecting themselves. i'm not an ammosexual by any means, but feeling empowered and like i could protect myself if i had to helps me sleep better at night, no matter who is in office.
not surprised by the results but disappointed nonetheless. my $0.02 on it all as a woman: this ain't our first rodeo with this clown. there's a TON of fear mongering and frankly, we as a society are addicted to it. fear is a huge motivator, which is great because it helps us discern threats and keeps us safe. unfortunately it has been weaponized and i believe most folks who voted for him were doing so out of fear, and feeling like he will keep them safe or help take away/alleviate their fear.

find your allies in men who aren't misogynists (they're out there!! so many of them are so so good and love their sisters, friends, girlfriends, mothers, daughters, etc), ask them to STAND UP for us when they're with their buddies who make shitty comments (my man was on a job site with a guy last week who, i shit you not, was making the argument that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, quoting jordan peterson and talking about "meritocracy vs democracy" and how women aren't capable of being as intelligent as men - yes, he was dead serious), to take the fear that we have as women seriously, help keep us safe. we're all meant to work together, to complement each other in strengths and weaknesses, but frankly we ARE out-powered physically by men, we've known it since we were very very young. surround yourself with good guys and ask them to be your advocate. directly, frankly. i brought this up at a brewery the other night and it started some great discussions.

oh, and buy a gun, learn how to shoot. join a shooting range and ask if they have a ladies sharp shooters group. you'll find some great people there, who believe in protecting themselves. i'm not an ammosexual by any means, but feeling empowered and like i could protect myself if i had to helps me sleep better at night, no matter who is in office.
I couldn't blame women for turning off all men at this point with all that is happening. Men are a health risk in more ways than one. Women can no longer expect proper health care for their contact with men.... smh
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not surprised by the results but disappointed nonetheless. my $0.02 on it all as a woman: this ain't our first rodeo with this clown. there's a TON of fear mongering and frankly, we as a society are addicted to it. fear is a huge motivator, which is great because it helps us discern threats and keeps us safe. unfortunately it has been weaponized and i believe most folks who voted for him were doing so out of fear, and feeling like he will keep them safe or help take away/alleviate their fear.

find your allies in men who aren't misogynists (they're out there!! so many of them are so so good and love their sisters, friends, girlfriends, mothers, daughters, etc), ask them to STAND UP for us when they're with their buddies who make shitty comments (my man was on a job site with a guy last week who, i shit you not, was making the argument that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, quoting jordan peterson and talking about "meritocracy vs democracy" and how women aren't capable of being as intelligent as men - yes, he was dead serious), to take the fear that we have as women seriously, help keep us safe. we're all meant to work together, to complement each other in strengths and weaknesses, but frankly we ARE out-powered physically by men, we've known it since we were very very young. surround yourself with good guys and ask them to be your advocate. directly, frankly. i brought this up at a brewery the other night and it started some great discussions.

oh, and buy a gun, learn how to shoot. join a shooting range and ask if they have a ladies sharp shooters group. you'll find some great people there, who believe in protecting themselves. i'm not an ammosexual by any means, but feeling empowered and like i could protect myself if i had to helps me sleep better at night, no matter who is in office.

America is not the country I thought it was. My wife and I had a discussion this morning about moving to British Columbia.....
It’s quite nice there (BC). Always wanted to move there, but unfortunately, time has ran out :(. Don’t let that happen JJ. Alaska always appealed to me as well.
not surprised by the results but disappointed nonetheless. my $0.02 on it all as a woman: this ain't our first rodeo with this clown. there's a TON of fear mongering and frankly, we as a society are addicted to it. fear is a huge motivator, which is great because it helps us discern threats and keeps us safe. unfortunately it has been weaponized and i believe most folks who voted for him were doing so out of fear, and feeling like he will keep them safe or help take away/alleviate their fear.

find your allies in men who aren't misogynists (they're out there!! so many of them are so so good and love their sisters, friends, girlfriends, mothers, daughters, etc), ask them to STAND UP for us when they're with their buddies who make shitty comments (my man was on a job site with a guy last week who, i shit you not, was making the argument that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, quoting jordan peterson and talking about "meritocracy vs democracy" and how women aren't capable of being as intelligent as men - yes, he was dead serious), to take the fear that we have as women seriously, help keep us safe. we're all meant to work together, to complement each other in strengths and weaknesses, but frankly we ARE out-powered physically by men, we've known it since we were very very young. surround yourself with good guys and ask them to be your advocate. directly, frankly. i brought this up at a brewery the other night and it started some great discussions.

oh, and buy a gun, learn how to shoot. join a shooting range and ask if they have a ladies sharp shooters group. you'll find some great people there, who believe in protecting themselves. i'm not an ammosexual by any means, but feeling empowered and like i could protect myself if i had to helps me sleep better at night, no matter who is in office.
Yes, buy a gun if it offers you protection, sad but understandable. Being a father of two bright, strong, independent women, I fear for their safety a lot and they live in extremely safe environments. Men, from an early age, in my generation. were conditioned to treat women as the lesser sex. Cooking, cleaning, ummm ya that was the easy stuff FFS :(. With what has happened you all have been pushed back by your now representatives. What the hell happened :(.