Current Nighttime temp fluctuates between 64 & 67
Current Nighttime humidity fluctuates between 49 & 51
Current Daytime fluctuates between 72 & 75f
VPD never below .9 or above 1.3 day or night.
So for around 48 hrs I battled heat & humidity. Outdoor temp spiked to around 80 for the last 3 days along with an avg rh of 80%>. Dehumidifier lowered inside humidity but due to ambient temp + dehumidifier temp avg tent lights on was 77-80f and tent rh was hovering around 53-55. Exhaust and intake ran for 48+hrs continuous to keep plants in a safe yet unsafe zone.
1/4 of the plants were defoliated to help reduce humidity and open sites and airflow.
I added a 12,000 BTU air conditioner this morning. Rates at 550sq ft. Room tent is in is only 140 or so. Temps are now lowered and tent rh has destabilized at 49-51rh.
Returned the dehumidifier and got same version just no pump but this one has WiFi monitoring / settings ability.
The loss of the pump is well worth the gain of wifi monitoring/ setting ability. Just have to raise it a little and I can just do gravity line anyways.
Now everything can be monitored and adjusted via app. This is both completely awesome but at the same time COMPLETELY CRAZY. It's awesome you get to see how everything is working but you also get to see those 15 - 20 minutes that happen occasionally that make you say OMFG WTF. When normally you'd have no idea and it would just happen without your knowledge.
We pulled all trays. Did a thorough flush and defoliated every plant except for the old mothers last night. Will post pics of area on lights on tonight. Xn fingers after the mass defoliation.