20k Room setup (losing light?)


Active Member
Hi, im à first Time grower so far everything Is going well but i think i might havé too many light compared to number of plants. Theres my setup;

Room of 24x17'. Splitted in 2 with 10. 1k HPS on each side on 12/12 lights alternate on 10 ballast with relays
on one side there 60 jack Herer (6 per light) vegged 3 weeks from roots clones
on thé other i havé 8 lights of m39 vegged 6-7 weeks at 4 by light and 14 rasta under 2 light vegged for 6 weeks also

Problem number one; heat; my day temps in each room sit at 29-30c lights open ans 22-23 lights off.

How bad Is it and will it effect my yield alot?

Problem number two; light ; Whats thé idéal distance for 1000w non cooled i searched around and everybody says different things. They currently sit at 30 inch of top.

Last question Is ; should i pût more plants per light ? Ratas and m39 have been topped and made clones from.

If needed ill post pics tomorrow

P.S. I know starting this big Is not so smart but ive had à really good deal on it


Well-Known Member
Heat will ruin any chance at harvesting great bud. You must cool these areas and you must have a lot of air moving. Go here to calculate your air requirements using their calculators.


You don't say reflector type-setup. Rooms this size with this many lights should be equipped with air-cooled hoods ducted to and from outside air as it will not have any odor. But with your plant count you cannot really take any lighting away. So get to cooling the setup or get rid of a lot of plants. I am not looking at your setup but refrigerated air would seem a "must have". You've gone this far.


Well-Known Member
1 1,000 watt HID light has a primary spectrum of 4ftx4ft. The spectrum can reach 5ftx5ft but it will not be as strong as the primary 4ftx4ft spectrum.

Your temperature isn't too hot but its close. In my opinion, try to get your temperature between 21*-26*c . I cannot tell you how bad it effects yield as I know nothing about your grow.

Make sure you have ALOT of air flow in your room. I have a room your size and I use 9 fans, some mounted on the wall, some standing off the floor.

Ideal light distance in my opinion is minimum 22 inches above the canopy.

I personally think you should have around 16 lights in your room but if you think 20 is a good number continue with 20.


Well-Known Member
That temp is a little on the high side, but not near as bad as mine. lol I'm running effing 33 to almost 38*c !!! Awaiting air conditioner. Your set up sounds pretty balls to the wall, With an investment that large in a grow room, you might as well spend the extra money and have exactly what you know will perform best. Time to get a bad ass A/C in there bro, Although keeping that kind of an area 22 - 27*c is going to be an absolute BITCH if your current temps are 30... Going to eat up that electric, on top of all those lights.