20X20X10" Micro Grow Help


New Member
Im a first timer here and I have a few questions about which method would best suit my grow op.
It's in an old printer box, 20X 20X 10" with one 60w cfl light and a 1L pot.
I'm considering 2 methods, and I'd love your opinions on which one will best suit my setup:
- Veg for 3 weeks, FIM then LST the new shoots and force flowering.
- 12/12 from day one, no training.

my strain is THC Bomb.
Id appreciate any feedback!


Well-Known Member
the honest to gods truth ....................do not do it .............that area is so small it is only good for spourting

the plant will push u will get in trouble and even so the amount u will get off it do to the power/time and effort goes into not worth it in the end


Active Member
Do it dude sounds pretty ingenious. Don't listen to this guy above. He prolly has the luxury of not having to go stealth. Lucky man
Tie the plant down flat, after it starts getting close to the light. You'll probably have to tie down the nodes that shoot up too. But it can be done, my friend did it in a PC box, roughly the same dimensions. Got nearly an ounce...