21 days flowering today need help


This is my third grow different strain. There are nugs growing and pistils but the pistils are curled verry short and browning. Supposedly I have white widow and blue dragon 2 of each. Each one in a 5 gallon smart pot using roots organic original soil and the whole line of roots organic nutrients withadded calmag, 400w mh cool tube temps verry from 72 - 82 indoor with a 4x2 tent fan blowing them around also using 15 cent a gallon glacier water I have pictures but haven't uploaded them yet unfortunately ill have to do that shortly any info would be much appreciated thankyou in advance


How far away is the light from the plant and have you recently let them dry out more than usual between feedings?


I feed 1 day water the next skip a day feed water skip a day
I did let them dry out an extra day about a week ago but they were
This way before I did that. And for the light the closest nug is about 6 inches

Grown ups

can you back out of the zoom and have reg lights on for a sec its really hard to tell exactly whats going on. i've never seen leaves curl like that except from plants thats flowering and caused to reveg out the leaves will sometimes do a complete clockwise turn like a wheel from the stress


20130722_183143.jpg20130722_183218.jpg20130722_183232.jpg here are a few more lights just turned on should I try doing feed water feed water back to back instead of letting it dry out for a day?


Copper d as in too much or too little? I do remember seeing a copper line feeding my water supply although it is RO water

Grown ups

yea it looks like copper deficiency to me.. u need to add. best way is to foliar but i wouldnt in with buds.. compost greensand and kelp concentrates have good amounts of copper or go to hydro shop and ask for something with copper.. i read you can soak dimes and quarters in water since they're 92% copper and use that water, but i'd go hydroshop if i were you asap copper deficiency can be deadly to ur plants... GL Bro


Thank you verry much. I have some old foxfarm tiger bloom and grow big I used before going completely organic they both have copper you think its ok to start with that until I have time to go to the hydro shop?

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Do your nutes contain trace elements? I had the same problem (bending leaves) on one of my plants but not as bad as yours.. The problem with that one was being root bound but this doesn't seem to be an issue with yours considering your pot size. The hairs can go brown if touched.

I'd do a flush to get rid of excess salts.. This could be an issue if you have not flushed before. See what the other guys say :)

Keep it up!


Yeah maybe ill flush with 2 gallons each I get good run off with 1 each but maybe it wasn't enough
Ill try that tonight thanks


Yeah maybe ill flush with 2 gallons each I get good run off with 1 each but maybe it wasn't enough
Ill try that tonight thanks


20130727_003245.jpg just thought I'd share an update with everyone's help I looked everywhere online reading what it could have been none of them said copper deficiency so I corrected the issue and got results Thanks!