22 days flowering (pics & questions)

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
So here are my girls at 22 days flowering, I believe they are nearing the end of the road because the buds are increasing day by day :mrgreen:.

1) When do I start to flush the nutes out ?:dunce:
- I will be flushing with water & molasses -

2) How much do you guess my yield will be ?kiss-ass
- 12 plants under 1000w growing in soil -



Well-Known Member
Dude, your kidding right? You seem to have it all going great. Plants looking like that makes me want to ask you for advise. + rep for some good looking plant :hump:


Well-Known Member
22 days flower? you sure? If thats all the far you are, you still have 5 weeks to go (give or take). You definately need to invest in a 30x jewelers loupe or a 420 scope to check the trics and make sure you are harvesting at the correct time.

:peace: out

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Boner this is my first grow so all this is new too me !

Before I started this grow some 40 days ago I had never even seen a pot plant in my life !!!!

Thanks for the + rep I guess I just have a green thumb and a shit load of good info on this site..... So I + rep everyone who gives positive and constructive info on this site !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
When 75% of the hairs are brown and about 40% of the trichomes are amber, start flushing.

I'm gonna guess that you will get around 12 oz (1 oz per plant). Maybe a little less... maybe a little more.

Great job though. Those ladies are beautiful.

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
22 days flower? you sure? If thats all the far you are, you still have 5 weeks to go (give or take). You definately need to invest in a 30x jewelers loupe or a 420 scope to check the trics and make sure you are harvesting at the correct time.

:peace: out
Not complicated to count aug.30th I chopped the shit out of them (removed 75% of big fan leaves) and on sep.1st started 12/12....

This strain is really quick when starting from clone ! my guess is from clone to harvest 50 days MAX

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
When 75% of the hairs are brown and about 40% of the trichomes are amber, start flushing.

I'm gonna guess that you will get around 12 oz (1 oz per plant). Maybe a little less... maybe a little more.

Great job though. Those ladies are beautiful.

OK then I'm going too up a little the BIG BUD nutes and MOLASSES, my goal is 1lb:lol:


Well-Known Member
well they yield of his plants also depends on what kind of lights hes using looks like a good HPS???? if you are tahn imma say yeah prolly bou 18-22 oz's


Well-Known Member
Nice job Stoney ! WE WILL BE SMOKING SOON HEY ! lolllll
Yeah real soon, and an honest opinion of them plants is this 12 plants under 1000 watts is probably over 2 ounces per plant , especially as nice as they look ( not missing anything) then 2 oz per plant is an easy number with a 1000 watter so that puts you easily over 20 ounces well 24 or more bro for sure !!


j/k stoney

I wanted him to look at my plants which are in the same week , I was not thread dipping !!! haha well not really !