2200 Watt Good Neighbor Grow

Back in SILVER AND BLACK man u know this!!!!! my new house has a 4 car garage. :finger: :hump: 2 wide and 2 deep it looks more like a mini warehouse than an actual garage. has a 12x20 single car space alreadt framed out inside. just gotta hang poly and lights then run ducting. this will be the easiest setup lol almost all the work is already done. im thinking of going hydro in here too since the PVC water lines for the sprinklers are 2 feet away just on the other side of the wall.. hehe ill get some pics up sometime this week but nothing exciting its just a storage space now so probation doesnt ride my ass and try to keep me in the system so they can watch me and keep tabs...FUCKERS been testing me 3x a week and "suspended" my MMJ rec. untill completion. IS THAT EVEN LEGAL STATE OF CA. COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA TO OVERTURN A STATE LAW???

I WILL play ball... but that doesnt mean im not gonna steal a couple bases FUCK YOU.... GONNA STEAL HOME.
sonds like a fun settup,I'm on paper and I smoke daily,lol, got a positive ua 4 months ago and havnt been checked since,,I been on paper 22 yrs,3 more to go.
Gonna be inside and out I'm planning on outing a lil greenhouse up in he back too so I can do outdoor and indoor the house I perfect I have tons I space for myself and the dogs


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Lost it. When I got out I was so bummed I saw like 40 plants that were clones when I went in completely covered in mite webs TOTAL LOSS they might have been salvageable but I didn't want to try fighting that uphill battle they were literally covered in webs it was disgusting.... DNA genetics MIRACULOUSLY had it again so I ordered a seed PAC so can run it again still maybe I'll find a male In There too so I can chuck some pollen
Been on a county mandated hiatus... I'm back though got a new pad and gonna get crackin as soon as I'm off color code testing and formal probation 6-9months to go RIU

Merry Christmas! I missed you and wondered where you were. I am so sorry.
eeeh i was an idiot and had to pay the price ya know?? shit happens and then we die.. tis the cycle of life... lol

mary(J) mary(J) quite contrary how does you garden grow...????
Wow, SF - quite a ride through this thread. Saw some really nice (and clean! I'm a neat freak) grow pics from yer past. I'll defo be watchin' this take shape. Good luck! By the way, I've got fam in Santa Ynez valley and I'm originally from Aptos Cal. (Santa Cruz for better reference) - I miss Cali!

Santa Ynez isnt too far from me about 30-45 mins. drop me a PM sometime if your ever out this way visiting.

Thanks for The compliments too it was a good run at the old house.. but theres always room for improvment im just biding my time right now so i can get the ball rolling on this RDWC system.

im pretty sure im gonna run a 20 bucket system w/55gallon controll rez. and another 55 gallon for topoff. gonna start gathering parts soon money is tight with the holidays and all but ill probably end up buying it all for myself for christmas... then piecing it together. on hte weekends when i have time.

i think im gonna go with bulkhead fittings that are 2" for return and 1/2" for feeder lines, not going to use airstones but not sure if that will flow correctly. im going to do some research and see what the standard is. anyone have any input?
Santa Ynez isnt too far from me about 30-45 mins. drop me a PM sometime if your ever out this way visiting.

Thanks for The compliments too it was a good run at the old house.. but theres always room for improvment im just biding my time right now so i can get the ball rolling on this RDWC system.

im pretty sure im gonna run a 20 bucket system w/55gallon controll rez. and another 55 gallon for topoff. gonna start gathering parts soon money is tight with the holidays and all but ill probably end up buying it all for myself for christmas... then piecing it together. on hte weekends when i have time.

i think im gonna go with bulkhead fittings that are 2" for return and 1/2" for feeder lines, not going to use airstones but not sure if that will flow correctly. im going to do some research and see what the standard is. anyone have any input?

Keep me posted on the RDWD system am looking into switching to hydro as well and be nice to have a friend to help and build and dial it in! :mrgreen:
Ya I guess it's about time to close this one down was a good run but I'm moved into a different spot now.... Alas onward and upward I'll have to start a new thread soon to document the 20 bucket rdwc I'm gonna setup. Get a parts list and take photos then make something come together it's been fun guys!!!!!! Sorta lol