2200 Watts and Running: x2 Scrogs featuring Alaskan Thunder Fuck & Super Lemon Haze


Active Member

It has been about 2 years since my last journal and I have to say I haven't learned much in that time. Pretty much been doing to the same thing and it has been working fine. Yields are up and I have found a couple of very good strains, but still looking for those premier genetics. Anyway, here is the setup.

Chamber 1: (1 Week Flower)

1000 Watt HPS

4' 10" x 4' 10" Scrog with 2" x 2" holes

6 plants underneath: x2 Alaskan Thunder Fuck (ATF), x1 Super Lemon Haze (SLH), x1 Bubba Kush (Katsu cut, maybe), x1 Vulcan MindMeld, x1 Ogre

The ATF and SLH are my premier strains. The taste, potency, and yield have been unrivaled in a dozen or more tryouts. The bubba is a clone that I don't think is the real deal. Just finished flowering one that was a big bush and it is decent, but yield was lackluster. It is probably gonna get the ax. The ogre has promise. Supposedly it is a regional strain and the guy I got it from has been running it exclusively for 2 years or so. Fastest vegetative growth and cloning I have ever seen. The cuts rooted in 3 days. Usually they take a week and a half with my setup. Also of note is the Vulcan Mind(Fuck) is an unlabeled clone with some sort of mosaic virus that is distorting the leaves. However, whatever the problem is it has not spread to any other plants.

Pictures to Come

Chamber 2 (Finishing Vegetive Growth)

x2 600 Watt Metal Halides

3.5' x 6.5' closet with netting (5" x 5" holes).

6 plants: x4 ATF, x1 SLH, x1 Ogre

BTW, I don't know it the ATF is actually ATF. It is indica dominant and flowers for 8-9 weeks with very resinous sugar leaves and dense calyxes. Somewhat of a sativa high. It is very potent. But again, got a cut of it and it doesn't match the description of true ATF.

I'll Pick up this chamber after it has grown out.

I'll be in and out every couple of weeks with new photos and updates. This journal is as much for me as it for all of you. I'll answer questions and document my progress so I can look at it in another 2 years and feel good about how much better I'm doing.

More to Come,



Active Member
My Technique

I root clones in rapid rooter cubes and veg under a t5 for approximately 4 weeks until 10-14 inches tall. I top at 4-7 nodes after 1 week of veg. After 12 inches tall they go underneath a screen and get stretched out. Some supercropping is used to produce an even canopy during flower.

The media is use is a 2/3 pro mix #4, 1/3 perlite for more aeration. Mycorrhizae and dolomite lime are added to the mix. I use 5 gallon smartpots.

Fertilizer is Dyna Gro. Use foliage pro (9-3-6) in veg with a transition to gro formula (7-9-5) during early flower and then a transition into bloom (3-12-6) during mid to late flower. I keep the E.C. fairly low, never breaking the 1.0-1.5 range. High levels of Pro-tekt silicate are also used from dynagro. Only additive is house and garden roots excelurator.


Active Member

It is time to add some pictures to this journal. Here they are.


I didn't flip to 12/12 light schedule until the scrog was 95% full. It is jam packed with absolutely no light penetration beneath. Check it out:


We are two and a half weeks in and the stretch on all my plants is only about 5-8 inches. When they have this many growing points the stretch is much less substantial then when they are not topped and scrogged. Here is a picture of growth above the screen.


Now some not so impressive early bud development. The picture are of the strains in this order: 1) Super Lemon Haze, 2) Ogre, 3) Alaskan ThunderFuck, 4) Vulcan MindFuck, 5) Bubba Kush.





Active Member
Forgot to post some pictures of girls who are growing vegetatively. Here they are:


Front left is the ogre. Middle Front is the Super Lemon Haze. The other 4 are Alaskan ThunderFuck. They are probably going to change photoperiods in 1-2 weeks as they have almost filled out the space. Going to take clones of SuperLemon Haze this weekend and get them ready and rooted for the next round in the chamber already at 17 days flower. Super Lemon Haze is a finicky beast. They take 2 weeks to root in cloning chamber and just sit for another week after they are potted up. It takes a real long time to get them going in early veg., however, 5 weeks after taking the cuttings they really take off and usually catch up to other stains cloned at the same time.




Active Member
During the first two weeks of flower I subscribe to a nutrient n-p-k not really used around here. Instead of increasing phosphorus during the initial weeks of 12/12 lighting, I keep the n-p-k at about 1.5-1-1.5. I've read numerous university studies done on dozens of varieties of greenhouse bedding plants that induce flower due to photoperiod. The studies concluded that a high phosphorus level during initiation of bloom can lead to leggy growth. On average flowering bedding plants had shorter internodal spacing if phosphorus levels were at a lower ppm than most growers use during this phase. My stretch last about 1-2 weeks and I average 3-8 inches (strain dependent) of growth after 2 weeks. My internodal spacing is no larger than 3 inches and is usually more around 1.5 inches on this growth. Then flower development starts and vegetative growth stops completely. On average my plants run longer than they would and take longer to finish, but I believe shorter internodal spacing is key to keeping a canopy in check. I'll try to track down some of those studies and post them later.



Active Member
Good Luck and I'll pull up a seat
Great to have you on board. Looks like it is just you and me. To everyone who views this thread. Feedback is important. Feel free to post question and responses and lets create some dialogue. I feel so utterly alone right now! New updates soon to come. Lights are on at 8pm pacific, so I'll take some photos and post then later tonight or tomorrow. We are week 3 in the 1000 watt chamber and week 1 in the x2 600 watt chamber.

Something of note. Yet another reason Advanced Nutrients sucks. I have been running one of their "Badass" ballasts, which is a low frequency 1000 watt that looks like a fucking red porsche. And ya know you are a douchebag if ya own a red porsche. Well, I own a badass and it has hemorrhoids. It has not been turning on when the timer says click. Tried a different timer and it was the ballast. My grow shop has discontinued carrying it, so I was out of luck and had to purchase yet another ballast while advanced nutes fixes the piece of shit they sold me. Also, low frequency ballasts are suppose to extend bulb life. Since they run at a lower electronic frequency their is less of a chance those high cost bulbs burn out before their due date. I haven't seen much of any difference other than a high pitch screech coming from the bulb and ballast that seem to harmonize with one another after they make me delusional. Don't buy said ballast.
