233w cfl grow//bagseed


Well-Known Member
Hello there RIU, it's been about 2 years since I last stopped by, things got hectic. But it's nice to be back! I havnt grown in about 2 years either. I have a new girl in flower right now. I'm not expecting much from her cause it started as a 'just for the heck of it' kinda deal. Well turned out she is a she! Lucky me!
She started as a seed in a solo cup on the windowsill, then she sprouted. I wasn't expecting it to. So I put her outside on my balcony, just because. The lighting wasn't great and it was hot as s*** out there. But she survived and started on some lst, again, just for the heck of it. Now I just moved to a bigger place with a garage, so I repurposed an old dresser into a grow cab. Painted the inside white, added two PC exhaust fans and some lights. Now she is 07 days Into flower. I don't have and flowering nutes yet as I was not prepared for this to go this far, I was gonna wait to get some clones before I did this again. But like an unexpected child, I adapted.
Specs so far...

1 65w cfl 2700k
4 42w cfl 2700k ( $0.59/ea at the local 0.99 store!!! )
Basic MG soil with 40% perlite mix and perlite layer on top
Just honey added to water so far

I wonder how long she ca stay in that pot? All of flower I hope. I thinks it's about 3/4 gal or so.

Let me know what you all think. It's not a perfect setup, but for now it'll work until next go around. The plant has been stressed over and over from heat and moving and all of that, but some how she is still truckin along. Thanks for stopping by.

*pics are before the smaller cfls were swapped with 42 watters


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Well-Known Member
Got home today, took a couple pics. My girl is a bit sad today. I think it's a little too warm in my cab and I may have over watered her the other night. She should be fine. I don't have any other way to cool it down in there and the garage is the only available place for me to grow. I also got a pic of my lights readjusted and with the 42 watters in there. My only concern is her going hermy from heat stress. I need a thermometer.



Well-Known Member
I'm a beginner myself, so take my suggestion with a grain of salt, but I think you could get your bulbs much closer to the plant. Try either using cheap Ikea cork hot mat coasters to elevate the plant (or whatever you want, books, cardboard boxes, etc) or put the bulbs lower.


Well-Known Member
Light leaks!! If light gets out it gets in, I've had this concept since I started and it's served me well.

Put your hand over the canopy between the lights, if it's uncomfortable for you it's uncomfortable for the plant. I used to run 4 145w CFL'S with 80mm and 100mm pc fans for intake/exhaust and a 120mm fan running on 9v blowing between the canopy and lights. It used to let me get the lights about 2" off the tops. When the tops almost touched the lights I'd raise em back up again, I'd have to move em every day or 2 but the node structure was always very tight and gave many tops when combined with LST.

(Lower voltage for canopy fan means it runs at a lower rpm)