24/0 18/6 sex, true or false or just plain luck?

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
I ran a small experiment to see if the environment had any influence on coin flips.,,,the results are not definitive but interesting

.the 3 flips in the "heads friendly" room produced 2 heads and 1 tails... but in the "tails friendly" environment all 3 became tails.

IMHO....I believe coin flips are mostly pre-determined, and the environment has minimal influence but possibly in certain circumstances it could alter the flip

The heads friendly room (ideal environment conditions for heads)

approx 77 F and 70% RH.
16/8 light cycle
6500K CFL bulbs (blue light)
General Hydroponics MaxiGro (10-5-14)

The tails friendly room (non-ideal environment conditions for tails)

approx 85 F and 30% RH.
20/4 light cycle
2700K CFL bulbs (red light)
General Hydroponics MaxiBloom (5-15-14)

link to the experiment


Well-Known Member
2700K is better for flowering in general, not that i'm saying it would be the cause for 3 females. I just can't see where 6500k comes from. Imo, that's way too much blue for flowering. Is 6500k said to increase the chances of females? To be honest, I've never heard this myth yet.

You'd think it would be more well known how XX and XY pairs work.

(not that I'm making an attack on you or anything, i know you were just doing an experiment)


Well-Known Member
2700K is better for flowering in general, not that i'm saying it would be the cause for 3 females. I just can't see where 6500k comes from. Imo, that's way too much blue for flowering. Is 6500k said to increase the chances of females? To be honest, I've never heard this myth yet.

You'd think it would be more well known how XX and XY pairs work.

(not that I'm making an attack on you or anything, i know you were just doing an experiment)
6500K is blue (cooler) light and is typically used in the veg stage and 2700 is red (hotter) used for flower stage

.....so the whole idea of the experiment was to make one room with all the conditions considered correct/normal for the veg stage, and the other room with conditions that are considered opposite or not friendly for veg

hence the "male friendly room" had everything wrong.... incorrect lights, hotter temps, lower RH and used bloom nutes instead of veg nutes and the hours were extended

as such, the room with improper environmental conditions still was able to produce 3 of 3 females, hence the thought that environment has little to no influence on gender


Well-Known Member
wasnt trying to start a arguement, just a question on if it could be proven either way, sorry to ask!
no need to apologize as there was only one dick head trying to start an argument, the rest of us are merely debating something that still has not been proven...just like flushing and defoliation

you will find people are strong in their convictions but yet have no way to prove their beliefs to be true, so the discussion will never end until someone can prove it one way or the other

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
What the hell, I'm just debating something that still has not been proven, whether the environment influences coin flips. I flipped a coin six times in two different environments and got heads 5 out of 6 times, hence the thought that environment has little to no influence on coin flips. You will find people are strong in their convictions but yet have no way to prove their beliefs to be true, so the discussion will never end until someone can prove it one way or the other like I just did.


Well-Known Member
so, as i said earlier, regardless of how many trials i do, even after a thousand seeds, if the outcome is 50/50 or whatever there would still be no way of proving its enviromental or genetic theory..thanks for all the responses to my thread, i guess there is no way to prove either way..However even if it is true seeds are predetermined to be male or female, as in nature would it be wise to assume there will be more females than males off a plant to secure more offspring?? just as in a normal deer population there is 1 male born for every 3 females..i know the sperm determines sex however in population studies here there are always more females born per year than males because 1 male can impregnate multiple does..in most cases the best doe to buck ratio is 3-1..however hunting has caused in imbalance to were the actual pop is around 6 females to 1 buck..but they say every year there is always that 1 buck to every 3 does born per year..just as there are more women than men,, even predetermined sex justifies more females to males as 1 male can impregnate multiple females...
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Well-Known Member
a simple statistics problem. 3 plants per room with one poorly controlled experiment is too small of a sample size for significance.