24/0 for autos??


Well-Known Member
Hello :-)

so i am doing 3 small auto's ... wanted to do 20/4 on the light.... but as i have been evicted out to the shed ... 4 hours off is going to cause me nightmares keeping the cabinet warm.... i have heard 24 hour light is ok with auto's... will i get away with this??? or is it a BAD idea?

any help would make me very happy

for further details here's my grow journal https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/477481-trouties-green-omatic-stealth-grow-2.html


Well-Known Member
sound... i know folks say darkness helps root devlopment... but i'm kinda backed into a corner here :-(

thanks guys :-)


Well-Known Member
It is strain dependent. Most autos will do just fine with 24/0 - I leave mine on 23/1 just to give my lights a break once a day. There are some autos out there that aren't made for this type of lighting. Just make sure you follow the instructions for whatever strain you're growing. Most will tell you what kind of lighting is best. I've had good results using 23/1 but will switch to 12/12 during flowering when I grow these


I wouldn't have bought them had I read the fine print closely. I'll have to keep these on one side of my closet with a light seal and split up my timers to give my other autos the 23/1 that has worked well for those strains.


Well-Known Member
I have never ran autos for 24hours but ive herd it works. Ive done 18/6 and have now started a critical + under 12/12 as my experiment. I would do what hoss said and go 23/1 just to give the light a rest and your plants some time of darkness


Well-Known Member
My autos, I must say did better when I gave them 20/4 compared to 24/0. But again, try what works for your strains.


Well-Known Member
only some strains (seedbanks) tell you what is best light times are... most won't even tell you how long estimated seed to harvest time is (which makes me wonder if they take as long or longer then some photoperiod)

dude i'm afraid if my light goes off for any length of time my temps are gonna go artic... i might try 23/1 and see how low it goes, but i have a feeling it will cool down v-fast......

on another note when seedlings come through the soil are they supposed to look brown and bent over??? my head is begining to hurt!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Could like brown from a part of the seed capsule still on? As soon as the cotyledons open you should be green! I've has to 'help' get the capsule off sometimes, just do it very carefully.


Well-Known Member
if you mist the part of the seed that is stuck to the sprout before you "help" it off it goes much easier. Found spraying and waiting 20 min or so then helping it off makes it flow a bit easier.


Well-Known Member
dude yoor knowledge gets me hard :-) ... i should write this stuff down (copy it to my notepad at least)