24/0 Light?


Well-Known Member
So, I was curious.
If I grew indoors under 24 hour light, would my plants grow quicker?
Or does the darkness help a lot when it comes to growth?


Well-Known Member
I've done this experiment, with two identical veg boxes in the same room, with identical lights, bulbs, fans. I used clones from the same mother, same nutes across all plants. The plants in the 24/0 box were significantly larger and more well-developed than the 18/6 clones after one month. This matches the information given in the Marijuana Grow Bible. I wanted to see for myself to be sure though, and now I know, they were correct with that info.


Active Member
go 18/6 you will get more in the end... i was reading this guys grow journal on boards.cannabus.com and he did 2 plants one vegging on 24/0 and one vegging 18/6 and he got way more out of the 18/6 one ..... same strain same nutes and started same time... 24/0 was bigger before flower but the 18/6 put on more bud


Well-Known Member
go 18/6 you will get more in the end... i was reading this guys grow journal on boards.cannabus.com and he did 2 plants one vegging on 24/0 and one vegging 18/6 and he got way more out of the 18/6 one ..... same strain same nutes and started same time... 24/0 was bigger before flower but the 18/6 put on more bud
Hmm now thats interesting, Might just pursued me to give it a try. They do grow quicker On 24hr but if that's true it's definitely worth it. I've been wanting to cut back on electricity bill anyway and have my MH off for some time would make a diff.

So far I've only used 24hr light and so does everone I know that grows.
Maybe having the light off helps develop more pre flowers and when you put em into flowering the explode.

I think I'll go with 20/4 next crop and see what happens, I'll be doing SOG so smaller denser plants would be perfect.
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Well-Known Member
Let us know how it goes. I didn't actually flower both sets of my clones to harvest, I only flowered the big ones (the 24/0 ones). The yield was great, but who knows, maybe 18/6 makes smaller and less-developed plants in veg and then they spring into mega-growth in flowering. That's not what the info says in the Bible, and since they were correct on the 24/0 versus 18/6 thing as far as I took it (e.g. through veg), I decided they were probably just plain right about the whole thing. Besides, while I did have two identical veg boxes at that time, I did not have two identical flowering cabs then. Ironically, I now have two identical flowering cabs, but only have one veg cab.

If you've got two identical veg *and* flower cabs, and a mother from which to take clones, that'd be the only realistic way to test the info in the Bible thoroughly. If I still had two veg cabs, I'd do it over again, and go all the way to harvest on both batches and see what the results are.

I suspect the 18/6 guy you saw just happened to have a good crop, and he decided that was because he did 18/6. That doesn't mean that's true, it just means he had a good crop and he *decided* it was true. But unless you do it in parallel to see the differences, a good crop, whether it's 24/0 or 18/6, proves nothing. I've had some great crops too, with 24/0, but that doesn't mean anything either. I mean, it's hard to say one method is better than the other unless you can compare the results with the results provided by the alternative method.

At least I was able to compare the results after a month of vegging, and the difference was pretty significant, probably 24-ish bud sites on the 24/0's, compared to maybe 15-18 on the 18/6's, something like that. About a third fewer bud sites and a third smaller, basically. If I'd been growing humans, one would have been six feet tall and the other would have been four feet tall. That was significant enough for me that I was (and still am) satisfied with 24/0 forever.


Well-Known Member
go 18/6 you will get more in the end... i was reading this guys grow journal on boards.cannabus.com and he did 2 plants one vegging on 24/0 and one vegging 18/6 and he got way more out of the 18/6 one ..... same strain same nutes and started same time... 24/0 was bigger before flower but the 18/6 put on more bud
Oh man, this is anecdotal and needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt. 2 plants hardly qualifies as anything close to a definitive answer.

The rate of photosynthesis will be proportional to the amount of light that they receive. This is why I use a 24/0 cycle.