24/0 vs 18/6


Well-Known Member
24/0 will allow the plant to continue growing- up to 30% faster. Some people believe that it is pushing the plant too hard, and that a plant needs a dark period to recover and do plant things. Personally, I am vegging on 24/0.


Well-Known Member
18/6 saves on power costs and some people say they dont grow any faster when on 24/0. I used 24/0 for the first 3 weeks then went to 18/6 didnt find much difference other than in cost.


Well-Known Member
ive been nothing but 24/0 through my entire veg and they are growing like hotcakes. i dont see how less light would equal more growth. biologically the plant will only grow when it is taking in sunlight or using its stored energy. but this stored energy wont last an entire 6 hours so 18/6 dont make no sense to moi.


Active Member
If you don't have a huge amount of light, like myself, i only have 2 fluro tubes for all my plants right now. I have to keep it on 24/0. 18/6 wouldn't be enough for me, so i guess it could depend on how many lights you have too.


Active Member
people say there really is no difference....

just the fact that the extra 6 hours may add a dollar or 2 on your bill


Well-Known Member
people say there really is no difference....

just the fact that the extra 6 hours may add a dollar or 2 on your bill

lol 1 dollar? x that by 2 months... 60 extra bucks is a big noticeable to me kinda..

i dont know if i should start going 24/0 or keep it 20/4

i cant go to sleep at night with the fucking HPS light leaking through everything i try to cover it with...


Active Member
I personally disagree..there is a difference.
Given the facts of plant photosynthesis.

During the collection of energy which would be the daylight period is collected in the plants leaves. This energy is then converted and used by the plant during the dark period. Most of which occurs within the first 2-4 hours of the dark period.

"Photosynthesis Summary

In summary, photosynthesis is a process in which light energy is converted to chemical energy and used to produce organic compounds. In plants, photosynthesis occurs within the chloroplasts. Photosynthesis consists of two stages, the light reactions and the dark reactions."

My 2 cents ;)


Well-Known Member
Electric costs all based on what light ya got too man. A 1000 w. will def have a major diff left on 24/0 compared to 18/6 Fluros you won't notice jack.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]I've read that 24/0 will give you bigger plants, faster. But, that the increase in yield isn't enough to justify the cost of the power and the extra six hours of bulb life a day. Yet, most commercial growers go 24/0.

I went 20/4 because (and people will agree and disagree with this) I believe that a little down time for the plant isn't a bad thing. In nature they have time to rest and like it was so eloquently stated by SenorSanteria "do plant things" (Love that one by the way + Rep for the laugh). Plants store up the energy they get from the light and use it when it's dark. Kind of figured, who am I to go against millions of years of genetic programming.

Ultimately, my lighting schedule was chosen to because of heat issues... Before it turned cooler, my light was off for the hottest four hours of the day.

I honestly feel that there's no right or wrong way on this issue, just what you feel is best for your plants.

Not sure what this means on this issue. But, I read HERE that putting your plants through 24 to 36 hours of darkness between vegging and flowering will cause them to flower faster... This grow is my first attempt and I consider it nothing more than a learning experience... So, I tried the 36 hours before flowering and within four days of starting that, all of my plants damn near doubled in size (height and width). And by the end of day five, all of them were showing definitive male or female.

I've tried to attach photos three times now... Something is not quite right with my computer... If a reboot will fix the problem, I'll show you what mine looked like at the two week mark in to flowering.