24 hour light schedule....trying to bud wtf


Well-Known Member
Hey been awhile since Ive been on here but I got a little girl who looks like she wants to flower soooo bad the pistils are just going nuts! My buddy gave me her bout a week or two ago and she was an outdoor plant but now shes sitting in my closet with a few cfls on her my question is will she start budding even if its under 24 hours? I know that plants only bud under 12/12 but you know females do whatever the fuck they want


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure you gotta switch up the light cycle to trick the plant into thinking the "summer" is ending and to start budding


Well-Known Member
It will revert back to the veg stage but it will take a while as it adjusts to the new light schedule unless it's an auto flowering, then it will continue to flower.


Active Member
unles si had auto flowers in the last 200 pl;ants ive done they will show sex no matter what if they are in veg long enuff... like 2 pistils at most, but they wiull show eventually... they wont flower but they will show


Active Member
females ONLY bud under 12/12, unless everything I've ever heard has been wrong. yours is prolly just showing sex... also seeing as how summer is ending she probably started to bud outdoors and now she's getting all confused and shit by the constant light. put her on 12/12 bro