24 vs. 18/6 during veg


Hey guys, first time grower here. When I first got my plants in, I had the light on 24. It has gotten pretty hot where I live and my AC was having trouble keeping up, so I switched to 18/6, so the light was off during the hottest part of the day. I was wondering, which is better? 24 or 18/6? Can I switch between the two during veg without problems? or would that be a bad idea? Thanks in advance for the advice!

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Plants needs a rest. Recommend 20/4 for veg. Plants do better (produce more carbos)
with less light over a longer period of time than alot of light for a shorter period of time. There is
a point of light saturation where more light will work against you by bleaching out the lifeblood
of the plant - chlorophyll. Learn to "read your plants" and keep those leaves healthy and green
until harvest. Also, contrary to forum paradigms, in general you want to give your plants more
light during veg and less during flowering, think nature. The flowering response is not the time
to bleach out the leaves with high light intensities (and high P foods). Ultra low levels of N found
in bloom foods will generally not support leaf health.

Good info...


i've noticed that during the dark period it helps cool down the growbox alot and also that the plants often have upward growth spurts during the dark cycle, but i've also noticed that 24 hours will not harm your plant in any way.


Well-Known Member
I used to grow 24/0 but after switching to 18/6 I found my plants to be a lot healthier in veg and overall a cooler environment as it's very hot where i live. I believe that plants need their rest like most living creatures :)


Well-Known Member
Every living thing must sleep to grow. Period.
i use sun for the most part with supplemental
lighting making 24 hours of light and my very healthy plants
are at just over 2 feet tall and bushy at 3 weeks
old so far. they will be growing 5 months total

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Ill post this again then............................................
Science has spoken people.
Yes it IS POSSIBLE to grow a plant for 24/0 for veg but not healthy...

  • Plants needs a rest. Recommend 20/4 for veg. Plants do better (produce more carbos)
    with less light over a longer period of time than alot of light for a shorter period of time. There is
    a point of light saturation where more light will work against you by bleaching out the lifeblood
    of the plant - chlorophyll. Learn to "read your plants" and keep those leaves healthy and green
    until harvest. Also, contrary to forum paradigms, in general you want to give your plants more
    light during veg and less during flowering, think nature. The flowering response is not the time
    to bleach out the leaves with high light intensities (and high P foods). Ultra low levels of N found
    in bloom foods will generally not support leaf health.​



Well-Known Member
it speeds up the growth which makes the leaves bigger and more plentiful so your adding more light absorbing panels which leads to healthy bigger buds and more crystals.

if you have a plant with 3 leaves and you have a
plant with a hundred obviously the one with a hundred has more potential for yield and quality


Active Member
I call bullshit!!! If you give em the right nutes they will be healthy!
I veg 24/0 with a 1000w MH and some T5s
you also get tighter node spacing!
I agree if you have heat issue then killing the lights for a few how in the middle of the day will help.
Also its cheaper with the light outs. and thats the reason most run 18/6 .
So how bout those pants that grow in Alaska under 24hr of light!
Canibus dont NEED to sleep. Thats a myth!
There are some types of plants that need Dankness but Canibus isnt one of them unless your want it to flower!.
The Dark cycle that occurs in canibus DOES NOTt NEED darkness to occur. It jus means that it doesnt require light for the process to happen!!

***I do shut down the MH for a few hours a week to give the bulb and ballast a break. or to spray. The the T5s are always on 24-7-365!!


Active Member
Hi, noob here. I do 24 hours throughout veg with my 400w MH bulb. Bro you can't talk shit about prices til you run one of those bad-boys for 3 months...