2400w Vertical Monster


New Member
fucking awesome set up major props if you dont mind message me a place i can further research it cause im moving out into a appartment the day i turn 18 and plan on growing as much chronic as i can +rep and mad props


Well-Known Member
i used em in the beginning of veg this time, i didnt have access to it last grow.. i wish i did and it might have turned out a lot better

flormite will knock them down and stop re infestation for up to 29 days. used once at clone and once at end of veg plants should never see mites. i had a huge problem i finally won, This mitecide is one of the less toxic smelling remedys one can use. it also helps if you have a shop to sell it by the oz.

the quart of floramite sc is 269.00- 349.00 delending on your source.

we pay 24.95 for 2 oz here.


Well-Known Member
hah i wish i could take credit for the idea.. but you can build your own you know.. check the link in my sig, or right above your post and check out round 2!