25 days (3.5weeks) flowering

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Can you get close ups of the bud sites? Potash and Canna boost would be good nutes to use right now on top of your regular stuff. Canna PK 13/14 would make them go crazy if you gave it to them in two weeks.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Still good, but you can increase yeild and potency considerably with added nutes. $50 worth of chems now could net you ounces of extra weed at the end of harvest. Even without using the canna products, you should get between 10-20% more weight just using a potash containing nutrient(eg; DM potash+) throughout flowering. I use roughly $200 worth of nutrients per crop. The more you put in (without over-fertilization) while they're growing the more you will get out of them. Every gardener does it different and there are a huge amount of products out there. My plants are 4 weeks into flower and they already stink and have nice crystally heads.