25 Gallon Smart-Pots and Flushing !


Active Member
So I am very familiar with flushing and never really had a problem with results of a product based on poor flushing as I usually use 5 or 7 gallon smart pots and Final Phase from Advanced Nutrients. BUT this time around I am using 25 gallon smart pots with a usual feed/watering of about 2.5 gallons, so how much would you think would be an appropriate amount of water to run through these. After about 35 gallons the PPMs are anywhere from 250-330. LET ME KNOW.


Scientia Cannabis
Since you have such a large container you should flush through with some more RO water if you have any.


Well-Known Member
people who measure there flush (i usually just run and run and run loads of water) usually use 2 gallons for every gallon of soil. so you would need to run 50 gallons for every pot each flush. i would throw them in the tub and sick the hose on them. I would def try to get below 250 but thats me. good luck and let us know what you ended up doing and how it worked out as i am curious about such large pots being flushed!