25 seeds. guerrilla farming with no cash

Obviously (by the thread name) you know this is my first time and that I have no cash. I have 25 Afghan Auto Bud Seeds and a field behind my yard. I wish to make the most of these. :)

From my backyard to a road the field is about 200 meters long and its about a kilometer wide... next to my house there are houses lining the length of the field.

Here are a few of my questions...

What do I absolutely need to make this work?

I am thinking 5 spots with 5 plants each?

Can I do this with 1 bag of miracle grow soil? I was thinking if I used 50% of the soil and 50% of the natural dirt to be able to have enough for each plant.

Will it make a big difference if I do not use fertilizer?

How far will the smell reach per plant? Will it be much more potent with a group of 5?

I have 25 Auto Bud seeds, a gardening shovel, 1 bag of miracle grow, water, and the will to make optimal cashflow! Not much I know but I was really hoping the first 4 would do most of what I need and the last would give me what I want!

I have about 50 dollars to invest in anything else...


Active Member
Ok so you might want to get roll of window mesh to protect your plants from hungry animals. Pissing near the plants help ward them off too. Especially after you busted a nut LOL. 1 64quart bag of MG can take care of 10 plants with a little perlite mixed in. So you might get away with 2, I'd get a 32quart bag too. The smell will carry downwind when its flowering, rearranging all 25 won't help that. Mg has fert mixed in N should have enough to get through an auto flowers life. You may or may not want to add a tiny bit of dolomite lime on the top to add more Cal n Mag to the = and bring up the low ph of MG a bit. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
save 5-10 seeds and grow them in your bedroom. check out my grow. in my sig $0 grow and I got a 7ft plant using ceiling lights. that's some real broke nigga shit. all healthy and no damaged leaves anywhere. It's all money. I don't have a camera, but updated pics soon. but there are pics from a week ago I believe

but for your guerilla grow. just get more soil. and your spot doesn't really sound too discrete. but if you feel it's a good spot. just do it. or find a friend willing to put in work


Well-Known Member
I will construct list of alternatives if you are really working with absolutley no money to purchase extra's. It helps that you have Auto's, being that the process will go much quicker.

-Find a spot with adequate sunlight, off any easisly accessible paths, and till/amend the soil well, you want it loose and aerated for good root penetration.
-Use urine, hair, and any other deterents possible, you don't want animals ruining your harvest.
-Visit plants in very little sunlight (dusk/dawn) or at night with a dim red flashligh.
-One thing you should consider is composting your food scraps, this will provide you with nutrient rich humus.
-If possible plant around other vegatation that resebles herb.
-Water very well, especially on hot summer weeks.
-If pests do come about, remove them by hand (slugs, etc) and for parasites such as aphids, use a soapy water solution, this coats their skin in oil and kills them without harm to the plant.
-Keep plants in good hygene, remove any brown leaves, support any weak stalks.

Show them lots of love, commit yourself to a successful season, and keep researching plant science.

Good luck man.


Active Member
don't put 5 plants in one pot. They will get too thirsty on hot or windy days. JMO. I've grown veggies and flowers forever and all plants dry out quicker in pots period.


Active Member
your not gunna get that much with auto's.

i mean as far as making money, im about to start 14 auto's but i don't plan to sell any of it. should be enough for me to smoke through the whole summer.

piney bob

Active Member
Canadianknights is right. screw the pots. just turn the soil so that the vegitation that was growing is now turned under. Don't plant in a line or circle or any set pattern, just a few patches. being ruderalis they will not get tall and noticable(easily hidden). then just water when it doesn't rain and leave them be. you don't want your neighbors seeing you walk the same path to the same spot everyday. piss and dog hair may deter pests without attracting attention