25 yr old + seeds?

If you are sure they are that old I'd scuff the seams of the seed with an emery board. I'd then mist them with H2O2 or 70% Isopropyl and dry, then I'd soak them in a 500 PPM solution of GA3 for 3-6 hours max. Then into Jiffy Pellets on a heating mat set to 60 in the dark. If I saw nothing by day 4 I'd use a pipette and put a drop or two of the GA3 solution on the pellet where you dropped the seed or close by.

This is on drought stressed hemp germination. With aged seeds you are in some ways simulating drought stress: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/12/11/1907

Two other good resources. I would not sprout in a papertowel because of the susceptibility of aged seedlings to damping off.

Best of luck on this
Good luck! I have some old beans from silas I was thinking about popping. Over 10 years old. Was going to soak a few in camomile and pop in some paper towels and see if they germ.
I’ve grown a seed from from some mid grade that was sitting in a bag getting dried out in my room and it still popped I grew it just for fun
I would try sanitizing some of the seeds (along side some other recommendations above), and also soaking them in a mild sugar/nutrient solution to replenish what has degraded over time. Then try popping them in sterilized media inside whatever cheap plastic pp5 containers are at the store, so bacteria doesn't take hold as they germinate. Basically, doing the same steps as those micro clone tissue culture seed starter kits, but without spending the 80 bucks and DIY instead. Id use my own 70% ethanol and bleach to make my combo of wash solutions for cleaning the seeds up, and use my own sugar and nutes to soak the seeds with. I would do it all in a cheap still air box, and just use the microwave or instant pot to sterilize the media in the containers. Or, just buy the kit and hope for the best. Small price to pay if it ends up being successful IMO..

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