If you are sure they are that old I'd scuff the seams of the seed with an emery board. I'd then mist them with H2O2 or 70% Isopropyl and dry, then I'd soak them in a 500 PPM solution of GA3 for 3-6 hours max. Then into Jiffy Pellets on a heating mat set to 60 in the dark. If I saw nothing by day 4 I'd use a pipette and put a drop or two of the GA3 solution on the pellet where you dropped the seed or close by.
This is on drought stressed hemp germination. With aged seeds you are in some ways simulating drought stress: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/12/11/1907
Two other good resources. I would not sprout in a papertowel because of the susceptibility of aged seedlings to damping off.
Best of luck on this
This is on drought stressed hemp germination. With aged seeds you are in some ways simulating drought stress: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/12/11/1907
Two other good resources. I would not sprout in a papertowel because of the susceptibility of aged seedlings to damping off.
GA3 - Gibberellic Acid Speeds Up Seed Germination
Gibberellic acid, GA3, speeds up the germination of seeds.Learn the best method for using it for gardeners. Great for difficult to germinate seeds.

Use of GA3 - Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society
ORG&HPS Ontario Rock Garden & Hardy Plant Society, a chapter of NARGS, the North American Rock Garden Society
Best of luck on this