250 hps blueberry grow

how much you think ill yeild

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Well-Known Member
LSTing your plants with a small light like a 250w
is one of the best ways to add weight.
Everything you've done, from growing tall plants
to cutting leaves off will have a negitive affect on
final weight.
The answer to your poll question is:
A lot less than you should of harvested.


Active Member
I always read that for Blueberry since it's not a high yielder you need to do some super cropping to get the most out of them, just what I've read.

I have some Blueberries that I may start soon.

Where did you get your genetics? How's the smell, any blue to them?[/QUOT
i got them from sagarmatha seeds from attitude
smell: just like reg bud smell so far.
color. is green so far i think they change color in the drying and curing process


Active Member
LSTing your plants with a small light like a 250w
is one of the best ways to add weight.
Everything you've done, from growing tall plants
to cutting leaves off will have a negitive affect on
final weight.
The answer to your poll question is:
A lot less than you should of harvested.
how come its not good to trimm the leave dont they block the light


Active Member
how come its not good to trimm the leave dont they block the light
They do block light but they also produce food for the plant. Also you're plucking them so fast you're probably stunting your plants growth. You should have got that light closer too. But overall nice job with the plant just learn from your mistakes. Molasses is supposed to give you bigger buds by the way.


Active Member
um.. your friend is very wrong. Fan leaves are VERY important to plants that's how they convert light energy to plant energy. You will prob notice extremely slow growth. Good Luck


Active Member
They do block light but they also produce food for the plant. Also you're plucking them so fast you're probably stunting your plants growth. You should have got that light closer too. But overall nice job with the plant just learn from your mistakes. Molasses is supposed to give you bigger buds by the way.
ok ty. with a 250 watt hps how close can you get it w/o burning the plant


Active Member
um.. your friend is very wrong. Fan leaves are VERY important to plants that's how they convert light energy to plant energy. You will prob notice extremely slow growth. Good Luck
YES VERY VERY VERY SLOW. ive heard of some plant growing like a inch a day mine take like a week to go and inch so then should i like just pull the lower branches aside and tie them so light can get in there to the middle. adding more light to the side is not an option


Well-Known Member
my friend told me that they are useless unless im going to make honey oil she told me the more light to get in there the better
You trimmed all your fan leaves? Your friend is wrong. You can trim them in the last week or two maybe a little earlier but without fan leaves your plant is not gonna get any energy. Fan leaves are reflectors that store energy from the light all day and use when there is no more light. Your plant will still grow but not as much.


Well-Known Member
YES VERY VERY VERY SLOW. ive heard of some plant growing like a inch a day mine take like a week to go and inch so then should i like just pull the lower branches aside and tie them so light can get in there to the middle. adding more light to the side is not an option
Once your plant is like 3 - 4 weeks in flowering it will most likely not get much taller. They do their first initial stretch when you switch the light cycle and dont grow anymore. That is as big as it is gettting


Well-Known Member
with out a fan how close can i put it
Put your hand under your light at the same height as the top of your plant. Hold it there. If the light does not burn your hand then it is not gonna burn your plant. Try and figure out how close you can have your light to your plant by measuring with your hand. If you can not hold your4 hand there for 30 seconds then it might burn your plants.


Active Member
they are all right brother best to leave as many leafs on for as long as possible
im going to on my two other plants, and after that im going to change my growing method.i just bought a 3 site dwc hydroponics tub, humbolt nuts. a digital ph meter. a 420 scope and today im going to buy a ec meter.i love ebay
I think your friend was just a little confused, i have done a lot of research on pruning since i use cfls and do not get as good penetration as you do with that nice little hps you got there. From what i have read you shouldn't trim any fan leaves. Now what you can do is trim the bottom few flowering shoots. Why would you want to do this? Well those bud sites at the very bottom are going to be using your plants energy to produce bud which usually only end up as little popcorn buds and eventually after harvest just shake, kind of a waste if you ask me i like my nugs dense you know. When you cut a few of these off all the energy that it would have used producing those little buds will go to the main cola or other bud sites closer to the light giving you much thicker buds at the top. So just leave those fan leaves from now on man, if they don't get enough light then they will just use up all there foods and stored light and probably fall off themselves when they are ready. No sense in wasting all that. Oh and when you cut off those bottom shoots just get some rooting gel, dip them in and stick them in soil, perlite, or a little bubbler (easily done just use some kind of gallon jug or something and throw an air stone in there root them and you have some clones for your next grow.


Active Member
I think your friend was just a little confused, i have done a lot of research on pruning since i use cfls and do not get as good penetration as you do with that nice little hps you got there. From what i have read you shouldn't trim any fan leaves. Now what you can do is trim the bottom few flowering shoots. Why would you want to do this? Well those bud sites at the very bottom are going to be using your plants energy to produce bud which usually only end up as little popcorn buds and eventually after harvest just shake, kind of a waste if you ask me i like my nugs dense you know. When you cut a few of these off all the energy that it would have used producing those little buds will go to the main cola or other bud sites closer to the light giving you much thicker buds at the top. So just leave those fan leaves from now on man, if they don't get enough light then they will just use up all there foods and stored light and probably fall off themselves when they are ready. No sense in wasting all that. Oh and when you cut off those bottom shoots just get some rooting gel, dip them in and stick them in soil, perlite, or a little bubbler (easily done just use some kind of gallon jug or something and throw an air stone in there root them and you have some clones for your next grow.
hey thanks for the advice mrkindbuds ill use that on my next grow. i just spent the last bit of money i had to get all my hydroponic things so i can get ne rooting gel this time around.