250 HPS or 150? for a 2x2 area


This is gonna be my DWC-Sea of Green set up. It's just like a 2x2.5 storage tub I got from depot.
But the question is would a 150 watt be enough for this? Would a 250W be overkill? It's in a 5x5 closet and installing a cooling fan for the light is NOT an option.

Also is there any difference in QUALITY from a 150 vs a 250? I know a 250 would make more, but is there any significant change in quality between the two? Especially for my situation? If I used a 250 watt would I get danker pot, or would it just be overkill.


Well-Known Member
A 150 would give you just under 40 watts/sw ft which would give good results. 250 would give over 60 w.sq ft. I don't think you would see much quality different but probably more yield (but also more heat issues).


New Member
My tent size 0.76m×0.76m×1.2m.am using 400 watt mh/hps,my out take fan connected to carbon scrubber,5inch out take 4inch intake fans,plus oscilating fan,I'm using biobizz allmix soil /nutes,an going wiv big buddha blue cheese fem seeds,gonna go 4 scrog method,any idea how many plants will be ok in sed space in tent.only 2nd grow,done a cheesey dick,only 1 plant,I got 35g dryed,basically let it do its own thing,but dis grow I will be trainig/fimming.any help appreaciated.efc


New Member
My tent size 0.76m×0.76m×1.2m.am using 400 watt mh/hps,my out take fan connected to carbon scrubber,5inch out take 4inch intake fans,plus oscilating fan,I'm using biobizz allmix soil /nutes,an going wiv big buddha blue cheese fem seeds,gonna go 4 scrog method,any idea how many plants will be ok in sed space in tent.only 2nd grow,done a cheesey dick,only 1 plant,I got 35g dryed,basically let it do its own thing,but dis grow I will be trainig/fimming.any help appreaciated.efc


If you get the 250 watt make sure it comes with a dimmer.

That tote will be too small once the plants start to grow. Probably good for 2-3 weeks. After a 3 weeks to a month or so they will fight for light and drink all the water very quickly.

These are two low/mid yielding auto flower plants (small) in a 5 gallon tote and one is already hogging the light and overshadowing the other. They are about 35 days old.

See the canoe looking leaves? That's from running my 250 watt in a space a bit smaller than yours without a good exhaust fan. (mine crapped out recently, waiting on new one)
I have a dimmable ballast and have to turn it down during the daytime hours. You might be able to run a dimmable 250 watt at 50-75 percent if it's cold in the main room and you have some kind of passive ventilation.
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aiiighhhhtttt thanks for all the replies! I still have no idea which one to get though... I think I'm leaning toward the 150, because I really can't cool the 250. I might supplement the 150 with a bunch of cfl's or something, but 250 seems a bit much to me.


Active Member
Yes, wattage can make a difference in quality. Maybe not much of a difference, but still... I would not use less than the 250w HPS for what you are attempting. Plus, 250s are versatile. In the summer, I use one for vegging the occasional pheno hunt seed crop.


Well-Known Member
Just supply good air movement. Running a 400 watt in a 4x 2 x5 and no issues, jerry rigged in and ex and temps are money. Invest money in proper fans and you can hit them w the 250 no problem at all and even run a 400 as close as 12 inches and bare bulb without burning them. Fresh air in and dirty sir out, fans blowing on top and bekow canopy. In order to get big f a t dense buds you need to try to replicate the sun. Go led if your scared of heat.


Active Member
Hey Tim, I have a 150 hps in a grow closet. Heat is an issue you need to be prepared for. I will attach pictures of my set up but I can tell you now if you do not have a good exhaust fan you will have heat problems. right now I have a 150hps with a 50cfm fan attached to the top of it and another 5o cfm attached to the filter which is also on the top of the closet. Plus I have a 50cfm intake fan at the bottom and a small fan midway for air circulation. My temps now hang around 80 degrees. Before I hooked the one fan to the top of the bulb I had a heat build up issue and my temps would reach 95 degrees.

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