250 w hps stealth grow in cabinet


Active Member
ok so here we go i have started a new grow with a cabinet i bought a 250w hps just for this system to run on because it wouldn't work with any bigger lights now i have 6 purple afghan and 6 pineapple from the pineapple express lineage just not the original pineapple express i have 3 moms though one pineapple one purple and one random strain that is killer outdoors so hoping it will do well indoors the bigger momma is the random strain I have hope you guys like this grow!
the fish tank is what i am going to use as a cover lol nice idea i think makes plenty on noise that covers my fan noise pretty well



Active Member
transplanted to random momma today into a gallon pot with 3 inches cut from the top for height reasons in the cab will eventually will put pineapple and purple afghani into these pots as well once i figure out the two strains i like or grow well together height wise then i will flower the other mom in a 3 gal bucket


Active Member
first pic is showing how i moved the plants closer to the light. A 10 gallon tote i had worked nice and the tray under the plants is a 18 gal tote top which worked perfectly for run off. second pic is the pineapple,third is purple afghani, and fourth is just a aerial shot and fifth is the random momma in her new pot the other two will stay in 5.5 in pots for about a month or so then i will transplant to the bigger containers for then as well also will be adding another fixture in the mother cab soon and some Y connectors like the ones i have in there now



Active Member
just added a 4 in clip on fan used wood screws with washers to hold it up near the light pointing down onto the plants will post pics in a few days too lazy to get the cam outright now


Active Member
this setup is new i used to have a bigger setup was nice had a 4x4 room with two 600's for flowering one MH one HPS for mixed spectrum. veg room was 4x4 with a 400 watt MH for veg. but i moved and now i need to go with a smaller grow just for personal use anyways so doesn't bother me. i can't wait to see some buds coming out!


Well-Known Member
Do you only have access to a HPS light? Or do you have MH access? MH is better for keeping your plants short, as red light promotes stem growth and stretchy growth; when compared to blue light. Sweet setup though, <3 stealth grows!


Well-Known Member
this setup is new i used to have a bigger setup was nice had a 4x4 room with two 600's for flowering one MH one HPS for mixed spectrum. veg room was 4x4 with a 400 watt MH for veg. but i moved and now i need to go with a smaller grow just for personal use anyways so doesn't bother me. i can't wait to see some buds coming out!
What spectrum are your mother lights in? Make sure to get the closest to 6500K you can and as high as wattage as your fixtures will support. Floros are great, but they have very low range!


Active Member
i am running a mixed spectrum in veg chamber 2 red 2 blue 23w per bulb i don't have enough daylight bulbs at the moment will get all blue in there at some point but i am running a mixed spectrum as i thought this would activate chlorophyll A+B as both react to different wave lengths of light, so using more chlorophyll means more growth right? just my theory on this anyways. i run the 23 w bulbs for heat and power consumption restrictions as i don't want to use loads of power and want to keep heat to a minimum my bonsai momma was done under 4 23 watt cfls alone, also will be adding another fixture in the veg room as well later on for more light. remember i only need about 15 clones of two mommas every month and half and i am not vegging before flowering so only looking to keep mommas happy and producing babies in the veg chamber. i also just made my container for a bubble cloner as well today will have that running by the next time i clone

P.S. i just checked my veg chamber with my light meter on scale 1-10 i am on a 8.5 at the tops of my plants so this is good enough for me as you need to have the meter like right on the bulb to get a 10


Active Member
I forgot to say in my last post that i have an electronic ballast that can run both HPS and MH i will be getting a MH bulb soon only for two reason and one is the stretch you talk about this is how i am going to run my setup in the future when i get a MH bulb----I will start the plants flowering the first two weeks with the blue bulb when flowers show, i will switch to HPS until the last two week then i will go back to the blue. the reasoning behind this is that if you use blue in the beginning you get less stretch and when you use it in the end supposedly you get more THC because THC growth is promoted with more UV light introduced and the MH bulb puts off more UV light then the HPS


Active Member
figured id stop by and give a little update! The Girls are starting to grow taller now quicker. The bigger the roots get they should explode. Just gave the purple Afghan's water today there pots seemed to have dried up quicker then the pineapple so they got there first shot of nutes, tomorrow or the next day the pineapple will be ready to receive there first shot of nutes will post pics soon to show the growth!


Active Member
ok so i have been so busy havnt had time to udate bout a week into the flower cycle and they are starting to show signs of budding here are the ladies enjoy the last pic is of the pineapple bud site the purple afghan looks about the same maybe day or two behind i think that the purple afghan is the longer budding one so makes sense it is a lil behind



Active Member
here is an update we are almost 2 weeks into flowering and here are some pices of the girls they are already producing trichomes:lol:! second pic is Pineapple side, Third pic is Purple Afghan, Fourth pic is Pineapple budsite, and Fifth is Purple Afghan budsite the last pic i was trying to show the trichomes. they are about 8 inches tall right now hoping the continue to grow up a little bit

