250 watt or 400 watt light


Active Member
I have a closet thats 4 feet wide 20 inches deep and 5' 8 inches tall....im getting a hps light and 2 computer fans 1 of exaust and 1 thats intake and wanted to kno which one wud b better suited for my situation a 400w or 250 watt hps to get maxiumum yeild without overheating the grow area. Please help i jus recieved the seeds in the mail and want to get started


Well-Known Member
well i have got a 1000 watt hps in my closet right now.....its up to you...ied go with the 400 over the 250 anyday...... peep out my set up.... iam about to rip it all up thoe,,,i got the guest room as my new op!


Well-Known Member
go with the 400w. just know that the light put out alot of heat. youll need something bigger than those computer fans. but you could get started with some CFL's till you fix your room for the 400w


Active Member
thanks for the advice ill keep that in mind....where can i find bigger fans to ventilate my closet....its not an in-wall closet. its contructed and is against the wall like a cabinet. Seattlewise how r u venting ur closet....many tips needed i wanna do this right


Well-Known Member
home depot has 80-500 cfm inline fans ranging from $15-$35. id get the 250 cfm 8" inductor fan and put that near the top to exhaust the air, and use the 2 computer fans as intakes. make sure the room is somewhat airtight. if it is even though the comp fans are much smaller youll be gettin more air movement then normal due to the exhaust fan forcing them to draw more air in.


Active Member
thanks ill def get those fans.....but does ne1 know how to install those kind of fans...i dont want an electrician coming and doing this cuz then he'll know wat im doing....i need a fan that installs easy and can b done by me who is not an electrician


Well-Known Member
naaa, man iam telling you, spend a little money and get your sealf a good fan, and they have there own plug in as well.........


Active Member
seattle im planning on gettin a good fan and like u said one that jus plugs in is wat i need.....where can i find a fan like that.... i will def pik that up if i kno where to find it..


Well-Known Member
well how much are you looking to spend, i can fined you one as little as 40$ to 600$....so get at me and let me know your price range


Active Member
the cheaper the better....im a college student and need to conserve money...i jus need something to get the job done....40$ wud b great


Well-Known Member
got ya,,,,,
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Inline Duct Fans[/FONT]​
An Inline Duct Fan is a reliable and cost effective way to keep temperatures in the indoor garden under control. Available in five models. All work with standard sheet metal or flexible duct work. Use one fan per light for air cooling or to increase the efficiency of an existing exhaust system. These fans have a low static pressure which means that the longer the ducting, the less effective they will be. For longer runs, a blower is much more effective. Comes with grounded power cord installed.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$ 34.95 [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- 4" Inline Duct Fans[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]$ 34.95 [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- 6 " Inline Duct Fan[/FONT]


Active Member
thanks man i appreciate this.....i hafta run a duct from the fan to the window which is on the other side of the room.....will this fan adequatly take the air form inside the closet and exaust it out the window on the other side of the room?


Active Member
or shud i had the air coming from the fan jus go thru a spoof type setup...in case u dont kno a spoof is when u take toilet paper and spray it with cologne or ne other air freshner and the air that goes thru it comes out smelling like the cologne or air freshner....this is wat i do when i smoke inside but will this work with the exaust fan


Well-Known Member
for sure dude,ied mabey by the 8'', but iam thinking the 6 will serve ya fine, just remember to have fresh air coming in as well. like a window that could be opened here an there will be ok as well. seattle wise ass


Active Member
ight ill get the 6inch but shud i jus run it thru the aluminum flex duct or shud i use the spoof technique....im growin ice and dont kno if this has a potent smell and need to keep the smell sumwat at 0


Active Member
i got plenty of windows so fresh air wont b a problem....i jus need to get the stale smelly air from the closet to the window across the room....wat wud b the best way to do this


Well-Known Member
well, the more you want to do, the more its gona run ya, anyways heres a can air filter, this is what i use for a small bedroom.........
$ 129.95 [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- Carbonaire 4 Charcoal Filter at the same site i showed you[/FONT]


Active Member
yea i aint buyin that i dont got that kind of money....ill prob jus run an aluminum duct to the window and hope for the best